Oregon Farm to Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE)
Oregon Farm to ECE - link to resources from the Oregon Farm to School Network
National Farm to School Network's Farm to ECE resource "Growing Head Start Success with Farm to Early Care and Education"
Growing Head Start Success with Farm to Early Care and Education aims to promote Head Start stakeholders' understanding of how farm to ECE can support achievement of Head Start Program Performance Standards and actively contributes to learning and development benchmarks as outlined in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. This resource aims to highlight how farm to ECE elements, implemented individually or in combination, may address multiple domains and standards, and provide significant benefits for children, families and communities.
Growing Head Start Success is designed to directly align Program Performance Standards and the Early Learning Outcomes Framework with specific farm to ECE activities from each of the three core elements of local procurement, gardening, and food, agriculture and nutrition education. The resource also offers three profiles of Head Start programs leading the way in addressing performance and learning standards with farm to ECE and their tips for integrating farm to ECE in Head Start.
Learn more about putting this resource to use in NFSN's blog. You can also help reach the many stakeholders across the country who can benefit from the resource by downloading NFSN's Outreach Toolkit. The toolkit includes sample language for social media, newsletter and blog content. Thank you for helping spread the word!
To learn more about Farm to ECE opportunities, contact Angela Hedstrom, Community Food Systems Manager at Ecotrust, at ahedstrom@ecotrust.org.