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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ SB 1536​, passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2022, allocated $10 million to the Oregon Department of Energy to support heat pump installations in Oregon homes.
The Community Heat Pump Deployment Program provides financial assistance to homeowners towards the purchase and installation of heat pumps in owner-occupied residences. Through two rounds of opportunity announcements, ODOE has selected eligible entities to serve as regional administrators in the 11 regions throughout the state and for two federally recognized Indian Tribes. Regional administrators distribute incentives to applicants in their region and Tribal administrators distribute incentives to members of the associated Tribe. The regions are the economic development districts in Oregon, designated by the Economic Development Administration of the United States Department of Commerce, for which a regional solutions center has been established under ORS 284.754.

Administrators for six of the regions were identified and aw​arded in mid-2023. Administrators for the five remaining regions were identified and awar​ded in 2024. Two of the nine federally recognized Indian Tribes in Oregon have elected to pursue funding through the Community Heat Pump Deployment Program, but members of all Tribes may also apply through their regional administrators. Funding for Tribal members of the seven Tribes that elected not to pursue a grant through the Community Heat Pump Deployment Program is available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
See the map below to determine your home’s region. C​ontact information for the administrator for your region or Tribe is available in the table below. Contact your region's administrator for information on how to apply.​

The incentive amounts available are:

  • Up to $5,000 for the purchase and installation of a heat pump that meets minimum efficiency requirements
  • Up to $7,000 for the purchase and installation of a heat pump that meets higher efficiency requirements
Note: Efficiency requirement technical specifications may be found in the program rules, Sections 330-270-0040 (6) and (8).

A grant of up to $4,000 may also be available for eligible upgrades such as a new electrical panel or weatherization or structural repairs that reduce heat and cooling loss. The incentive and grant amounts may not exceed 100% of the cost of purchase and installation of a heat pump or eligible upgrades.​

Program Funding​
​Total Program Fun​ding
Allocated to Regional Administrators
*$905,806 in remaining funds have been reallocated to the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program for the federally recognized Tribes for which an administrator was not identified.
Program Administrators​

Regional Administrators
Region (Counties)
​​Funding Availability
North Coast
(Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook) 
​Earth Advantage

​Funding Available
Accepting Applications

(Marion, Polk, Yamhill) 
​Earth Advantage
​​Funding Available
Accepting Applications
​South Valley/ Mid Coast
(Benton, Lane, Lincoln, Linn)​
​Earth Advantage
Funding Fully Reserved Not Accepting Applications
South Coast
(Coos, Curry, Douglas) ​
​NeighborWorks Umpqua

541- 673-4909 ​

​Funding Available
Accepting Applications
Southern Oregon
(Jackson, Josephine) ​
​Illinois Valley Community Development Organization (IVCanDO)


​Funding Available
Accepting Applications
(Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington) ​
​Earth Advantage
​Funding Available 
Accepting Applications
(Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson) ​
Contact Onl​ine
​Funding Fully Reserved
Not Accepting Applications
North Central
(Hood River, Sherman, Wasco) 

​Mid-Columbia Community Action Council
Contact Online
The Dalles: 541-298-5131
Hood River: 541-386-4027
​Funding Available
Accepting Applications
South Central
(Klamath, Lake) ​
​Lake County Resources Initiative
​Funding Fully Reserved
Not Accepting Applications

Greater Eastern Oregon
(Grant, Gilliam, Harney, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Wheeler) ​
​Regional Rural Revitalization (R3) Strategies Consortium
​Funding Available
Accepting Applications

Northeast Oregon
(Baker, Union, Wallowa) 
​Wallowa Resources
Contact Online
Gavin Collier: 541-426-8053 x68
Dawson Larman: 541-962-5381​
​Funding Available
Accepting Applications

Tribal Administrators

​Funding Availability
Burns Paiute Tribe
​Regional Rural Revitalization (R3) Strategies Consortium

Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation
Phone: (541) 276-6745


​27 Frazer Ave

Pendleton, OR 97801

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1041
Pendleton, OR 97801

​Funding Available – Accepting Applications beginning December 1

Coquille Indian Tribe
​Coquille Indian Housing Authority


(541) 888-6501

2678 Mexeye Loop
Coquille Tribal Lands
​Coos Bay, OR 97427​

​Funding Available
Accepting Applications

​Administrator Status
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians​
​​Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
​Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
Klamath Tribes
Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
​Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
​Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation
Elected not to pursue a grant through CHPDP. Funding available via the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program.​

​Stakeholder Engagement​

ODOE held two virtual public meetings in September 2022 to gather input on designing the agency's new heat pump incentive programs. These meetings preceded the formal administrative rulemaking process for both the Community Heat Pump Deployment Program and the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program, and ga​ve members of the public an opportunity to inform program design early in the implementation process.

See our Rulemaking page for more information on public rulemaking meetings and hearings. Information about the program's Advisory Council and its meetings is available here​.


​Meeting Materials
​Wednesday, March 22, 2023
10 - 11 ​a.m.

Informational Webinar with an overview of the online application process

​Thursday, ​March 2, 2023
10 a.m.

Informational webinar with an overview of rules and key upcoming milestones

​Thursday, January 19, 2023
10 - 11 a.m.

Webinar for Potential Regional Administrators for the Community Heat Pump Deployment Program

​Thursday, January 5, 2023 
2 - 3 p.m.

Community Heat Pump Deployment Program Public Hearing

​Monday, September 26, 2022
1 - 2 p.m.

​Monday, September 19, 2022
10 - 11 a.m.​​​

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