SB 1536, passed by the Oregon Legislature in 2022, allocated $15 million to the Oregon Department of Energy to support heat pump installations in Oregon rental homes. In 2024, the Legislature allocated an additional $4 million to the program.
For Tribes
Funding is available and the agency is accepting applications for the installation of heat pumps and related upgrades in rental housing occupied by members of the federally recognized Tribes in Oregon listed in the table below. Click here for more information for Tribes and Tribal members.
In 2024, the State Legislature passed SB 1525, outlining the transfer of funding from the Community Heat Pump Deployment Program to the Oregon Rental Home Heat Pump Program for regions or federally recognized Indian Tribes that had not been awarded a grant. Funding was transferred for seven of the federally recognized Indian tribes in Oregon. This funding is available only for heat pumps installed in rental housing where members of each of those Tribes reside.
While ODOE is not currently accepting rebate reservations, we are still accepting registrations for additional approved contractors.
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