​Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but too many hungry students miss a morning meal. Schools that offer a Breakfast After the Bell (BAtB​) program by implementing models such as Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC), Grab and Go to the Classroom, and Second Chance Breakfast, are able to increase access to school breakfast and provide more kids with the healthy food they need to learn and grow.
The Student Success Act (SSA) was adopted during the 2019 legislative session and its passage represented a real commitment by Oregon's leaders to our children, our educators, our schools, and our state. The SSA included expansion of school breakfast programs through the Breakfast after the Bell (BAtB) requirement.
School districts, public charter schools, and education service districts must make breakfast accessibleafter the bell, at a school site, if 70% or more of the students at that school site, from a previous year, were “eligible students". “Eligible students" are those students who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's guidelines.
The Required and Exempt Eligible Site lists below show which sites are required to provide Breakfast after the Bell and which sites are eligible for the exemption from that requirement.
As part of the Student Success Act, there is grant funding available to support Breakfast After the Bell Implementation. Breakfast After the Bell (BAtB) equipment grant funding is for those sponsors operating the National School Lunch Program/School Breakfast Program who are required to implement Breakfast After the Bell. Please see the BAtB Equipment Grant section below.
​Implementation Guidance​​
Teachers Guides
Time spent by students consuming breakfast can be considered instructional time when students consume breakfast in the classroom while instruction is being provided. No more than 15 minutes may be considered instructional time when students are consuming breakfast.
(ORS 327.535)​
The BAtB Equipment Grant is a non-competitive grant. For School Year 2023-2024, $3158.00 was provided to eligible recipients for the purchase of new equipment, repair of current equipment, renovation or upgrade of equipment required to serve students breakfast after the bell. OAR 581-051-0605. An additional supplement of $83.70 was added to the $3158.00 award for a total of $3241.70 award for school years 23-24 and 24-25.
The 2023-2025 BAtB equipment grant only applies to sponsors/sites that are required and are operating the Breakfast After the Bell listed on the 2024-2025 Breakfast After the Bell Required Site List. Students must be on campus for in-person learning for the Breakfast After the Bell implementation and grant to be applicable.
Equipment Grant Process
Recipient will:
Equipment Grant Resources