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Special Provisions

Sponsors/LEAs operating under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) have special certification and reimbursement alternatives available known as Special Provisions. Under these provisions, eligible sponsors and schools apply to the state agency for approval. Schools with a very high percentage of children eligible for free and reduced price meals are most likely to benefit from these provisions.

Community Eligibility Provision

Schools adopting CEP are reimbursed based on the percentage of students directly certified for free meals, such as those in SNAP, Foster Care, Migrant Ed, or McKinney-Vento programs.

ODE CNP has streamlined data collection to reduce the burden on schools/school districts. Program sponsors are to submit primary source documents to ODE CNP. The state agency will conduct the matching process and return a file to the Sponsor for review and final validation. A link to detailed step-by-step instructions is listed below under "Getting Started with CEP".​

Current Participants (LEAs & Sites):

SY 2024-25 CEP Participation Reports

End of Cycle Notification:​

Sites on the last year of their CEP agreement are listed on a separate tab in the particpant list linked above. June 30 of the current school year is the effective end date of the CEP agreement. Sponsors must go through the CEP election process again to participate in CEP.

Eligibility Notification:

Please note: Notification data is for informational purposes and does not confer eligibility. Proxy data is not fully reflective of the total number of identified students.

Eligible Sponsors and Sites for SY 2025-2026

Student Success Act

The Oregon Community Eligibility Provision Incentive (CEPI) Reimbursement Program is a state-funded initiative that supplements federal school meal reimbursements. It covers the difference between federal free and paid reimbursement rates, up to a state-determined annual goal. The CEP Incentive is available to public schools/SFAs serving both breakfast and lunch (SBP/NSLP).

Reimbursement Goal

For SY 2025-26 The supplement goal remains at 90%. Identified student percentages (ISPs) less than 56.25% (multiplied by 1.6 = 90% federal free rate) will be receiving the CEPI supplemental funding.​


​CEP Election Due Date: June 30th of current SY

Sponsors interested in CEP must complete the steps outlined in the data collection instructions and file templates linked below.​

Provision 2

Provision 2 allows school(s) to serve meals to participating children at no charge, reduces application burdens to once every 4 years, and simplifies meal counting and claiming procedures by allowing a school to receive meal reimbursement based on base year claiming percentages.