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The Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line is an approved, not yet constructed, facility that includes an ASC approved route approximately 270.8-mile-long single-circuit 500-kV electric transmission line that crosses five counties in Oregon, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Baker, and Malheur counties. The approved facility also includes four ASC alternative routes of approximately 33.3 miles of transmission line. The RFA1 approved routes include four alternative 500-kV transmission line routes equaling approximately 8.8 miles. The approved facility also includes roads, communication stations, the Longhorn Station, and temporary construction areas.

Under review/Approved. On September 27, 2022, Council approved the Final Order on ASC and issued a site certificate for the facility. On September 22, 2023, Council approved the Final Order on RFA1 and issued the first amended site certificate. The approved but not yet constructed facility has a construction commencement deadline of October 6, 2026.

On April 11, 2024, the Department received a complete Request for Amendment 2 (RFA2) to the Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Site Certificate from the certificate holder. RFA2 seeks Council approval to:

  • ​Add micrositing areas to allow siting of previously approved facility components in new locations. The proposed micrositing area additions include approximately 40 miles of 500-kV transmission line alternatives in each of the five affected counties, with 98.5 miles of associated access road modifications, and 0.6 mile of 230-kV transmission line alternatives; refining 58 miles of roads resulting from additional design and engineering, and the addition of temporary construction work area alternatives.
  • Expand the site boundary for portions of the facility, and separate the definition of micrositing areas and the site boundary. The micrositing areas are more narrow areas that are evaluated and, if approved, would be where facility components could be located.  
  • Amend specific site certificate conditions. 
  • Add a Midline Capacitor Station within the previously approved site boundary/micrositing area, and adjacent to an existing substation in Union County.
  • Redefine the widths for temporary roads.  ​

The Department issued the Draft Proposed Order (DPO) on RFA2 on April 16, 2024. A 46-day comment period concluded on May 31, 2024. Council held an in-person and remote hearing on the DPO on May 30, 2024. The deadline for the certificate holder to submit its responses to DPO comments was June 5, 2024. All DPO comments and certificate holder response are available on the Timeline below. Council reviewed the DPO, comments and responses to comments at its June 14, 2024 EFSC Meeting.

On June 28, 2024, the Department issued the Proposed Order on RFA2 and on the same date, it issued Public Notice of the Proposed Order and an Opportunity to Request a Contested Case. Both documents are available on the Timeline below. The deadline to submit any requests for contested case is July 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. PT. Requests may be submitted via U.S. mail or email to the following address:

Kellen Tardaewether, Senior Siting Analyst
Oregon Department of Energy
550 Capitol Street NE, 1st Floor Salem, OR 97301

Applicant/Certificate holder: Idaho Power Company
ODOE contact: Kellen Tardaewether
Applicant/Certificate holder contact: Joe Stippel
​​​​ ​​​​​

Project Amendment(s)

Public Notice on RFA2 and DPO on RFA2

​Comments received between April 16 - May 31, 2024.




Project Timeline

Additional Documents
Notice of Intent
Second Amended Project Order
Complete Application (Large files)
Contents of the Application

Exhibit B (Main)
Exhibit B (Attachments B1-B4)
Exhibit B (Attachments B5 Part 1)
Exhibit B (Attachments B5 Part 2)
Exhibit B (Attachments B6-B7a)
Exhibit B​ (Attachments B7b)
Exhibit H (Part 1)
Exhibit H (Part 2)
Exhibit I (Part 1)
Exhibit I (Part 2)
Exhibit J (Main Part 1)
Exhibit J​ (Main Part 2)
Exhib​it J (Main Part 3)
Exhibit J (JPA Part 1)
Exhibit J (JPA Part 2)
Exhibit J​ (JPA Part 3)
Exhibit J​ (JPA Part 4)
Exhibit J (Wetland Delineation Part 1)
Exhibit J​ (Wetland Delineation Part 2)
Exhibit J (Wetland Delineation Part 3)
Exhibit J (Wetland Delineation Part 4)
Exhibit J (Wetland Delineation Part 5) 
Exhibit J (Wetland Delineation Part 6)
Exhibit N (Part 1)
Exhibit N​ (Part 2)
Exhibit P1 (Part 1 Main to Attachment P1-6)
Exhibit P1 (Part 2a Attachment P1-7A)
Exhibit P1 (Part 2b Attachment P1-7A)
Exhibit P1 (Part 3 Attachment P1-7B)
Exhibit P1 (Part 4a Attachment P1-8)
Exhibit P1 (Part 4b Attachment P1-8)
Exhibit P1 (Part 5 Attachment P1-9)
Exhibit P2 (GRSG)
Exhibit P3 (Elk)
Additions to Complete Application
B2H Record and Selected Contested Case Files​ (One Drive)​

  Federal Permitting Dashboard​

​  Type A Amendment Contested Case Overview​

 Siting Docket - Online Comments Made to Date​​​​
​Contact the Facility Siting Team:

Exhibit Files Reference

  • Exhibit A: Applicant Information 
  • Exhibit B: Project Description
  • Exhibit C: Property Location and Maps
  • Exhibit D: Organizational Information
  • Exhibit E​: Permits Required
  • Exhibit F: Property Ownership 
  • Exhibit G: Materials Analysis
  • Exhibit H: Geology and Soil Stability 
  • Exhibit I: Soils
  • Exhibit J: Wetlands
  • Exhibit K: Land Use
  • Exhibit L: Protected Areas
  • Exhibit M: Financial Analysis
  • Exhibit N​: Non-generating Facility Information
  • Exhibit O: Water Requirements
  • Exhibit P: Fish Wildlife Habitat 
  • Exhibit Q: Threatened and Endangered Plants and Animals
  • Exhibit R: Scenic Aesthetic Values 
  • Exhibit S: Cultural Resources
  • Exhibit T: Recreational Facilities 
  • Exhibit U: Public Services
  • Exhibit V​: Waste Minimization 
  • Exhibit W: Site Restoration
  • Exhibit X: Noise 
  • Exhibit Y: Carbon Dioxide Emissions 
  • Exhibit Z: Cooling Towers  
  • Exhibit AA: EMFs – Electric and Magnetic Fields
  • Exhibit BB: Other Information
  • Exhibit CC: Additional Statutes Rules Ordinances
  • Exhibit DD​: Other Specific Standards