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NOTE: Some of the videos in these lessons may currently be in Flash format which will no longer be supported in 2021. We are working on converting them to a different format.
8th Grade English Language Arts
G8 ELA Lesson Plan Lewis and Clark - SP ELA Lewis and Clark Lesson Plan
Additional Materials
G8 ELA Lesson Plan News in Indian Country - SP ELA News in Indian Country Lesson Plan
8th Grade Health
G8 HLTH Lesson Plan Cultural Appropriation - SP HLTH Cultural Appropriation Lesson Plan
G8 HLTH Lesson Plan Hand Games - SP HLTH Hand Game Lesson Plan
G8 HLTH Lesson Plan Native Nutrition - SP HLTH Nutrition Lesson Plan
8th Grade Math
G8 MTH Lesson Plan Fishing for Treaty Rights - SP MTH Fishing for Treaty Rights Lesson Plan
G8 MTH Lesson Plan Traditional Housing - SP MTH Traditional Housing Lesson Plan
8th Grade Science
G8 SC Lesson Plan Human Impacts on the Environment
8th Grade Social Science
G8 SS Lesson Plan Tribal Sovereignty
G8 SS Lesson Plan Cultural Assimilation and Indian Boarding Schools
Additional Materials
G8 SS Lesson Plan Importance of Treaties
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