The best way to obtain school records is to begin with the known administrator, teacher, or staff who worked at the school that closed. These are the individuals most likely to know where student records have been stored. You can start with social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms, or with fellow classmates parents if you do not have the name or contact information for private school faculty and staff.
If the private school was part of a religious or secular organization's school system, (Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, etc.) student records may be available through the organization's headquarters or regional office.
Finally, you can contact the district in which the private school was located and provide as much information available (year, location, affiliation etc.). In some cases, student records are retained at the Education Service District in which the school was located. Please refer to the
Oregon Association of Education Service Districts (OAESD) webpage for contact information.
Parents concerned about the continuing availability of private school records should inquire about the school's records retention plan in the event of school closure.
If a student of a closed private school cannot locate their records, they should contact the Private School Ombuds through email or phone (503) 551-9405 for additional help. When contacting the Private School Ombuds, please have the following information available:
- Full name of the student whose records have been lost
- Name of the private school that has closed
- Name and contact information for any known private school administrators
- The city in which the private school was located
- Year of graduation for the student whose records have been lost
- Approximate year that the private school closed, even if it is a best guess
- The purpose for needing the student records (for example, to apply to a college program, for employer verification, for financial aid eligibility, etc.)
- Provide your personal contact information and times that you can best be reached (email address, phone number identified as a work, home or mobile number, and hours of availability)