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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Oregon Department of Energy conducted rulemaking in 2020​ to update or establish ​energy efficiency standards for appliances and other products in response to Governor Brown's Executive Order 20-04.
In response to EO 20-04, ODOE conducted a rulemaking process in summer 2020 to adopt new energy efficiency standards for nine products and update standards for two additional products. As required by Oregon statute ORS 469.261, the Governor introduced legislation on behalf of the Department during the 2021 Legislative session to conform standards in statute to the rules adopted by ODOE. House Bill 2062, was adopted by the Oregon Legislature and signed by the Governor on June 1, 2021.

For more information about individual rulema​king topics, click on the corresponding link below to jump to that item.

Current Rulemaking:
  • None at this time

Past Rulemaking:


HB 4057 Rulemaking

02 Dec 2022ODOE Submits Final Rules for Sprinkler Efficiency Standards

The Oregon Department of Energy submitted final rules to the Secretary of State on December 2, 2022, to amend program rules for efficiency standards for appliances and other products. The rulemaking process included a public hearing on November 30, 2022, and a public comment period which closed the same day. As proposed in the draft rules, the final rules implement House Bill 4057 (2022) which established an efficiency standard for spray sprinkler bodies; the rule amendments include the new efficiency standard along with product listing and labeling requirements that align with requirements in other states which have adopted equivalent standards.

ODOE received no written comments during the public comment period, while two attendees at the public hearing indicated that their organizations support the rules amendments (link to a recording of the hearing is below). The final rules filing included one non-substantive change to the draft rules to correct a misspelling. The new efficiency standard will become effective January 1, 2023.


Filing Certificate Showing Final Rules Submitted to Secretary of State

30 Nov 2022Public Hearing for Efficiency Standards Rulemaking

​The Oregon Department of Energy will hold a public hearing on November 30, 2022 for a rulemaking to implement House Bill 4057 (2022) which adopted a new state efficiency standard for landscaping spray sprinkler bodies. The new standard is based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense standard, version 1.0, and requires internal pressure regulation capabilities to improve performance and reduce water consumption. The standard applies to spray sprinkler bodies manufactured on or after January 1, 2023.

ODOE held a stakeholder advisory meeting on September 7, 2022, to receive feedback on the draft rules, and filed a hearing notice with the Oregon Secretary of State on October 21, 2022. The agency has made no substantive changes to the draft rules since the September 7th meeting.  

Commenting on the draft rules:
ODOE will accept oral testimony on the rules at the public hearing, using the contact information listed above.

Written comments on the rulemaking are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, and may be sent via email to:

The public hearing will be the final opportunity for comment before the department files permanent rules. ODOE plans to file the proposed rules before December 31, 2022, with the new standard for spray sprinkler bodies becoming effective January 1, 2023.

Hearing Details:
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 10 a.m.

This public hearing will be conducted virtually via Webex.

Join via webinar:

Audio conference information: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar number (access code): 2347 017 1143
Password: Rules (78537 from phones)

Hearing Materials:

07 Sep 2022Efficiency Standards Rulemaking Advisory Meeting: Spray Sprinkler Bodies

The Oregon Department of Energy will hold a stakeholder advisory meeting on September 7, 2022 for its upcoming efficiency standards rulemaking. ODOE will be seeking feedback on draft rules to implement House Bill 4057 (2022) which adopted a new state efficiency standard for landscaping spray sprinkler bodies. The new standard is based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense standard, version 1.0, and requires internal pressure regulation capabilities to improve performance and reduce water consumption. The standard applies to spray sprinkler bodies manufactured on or after January 1, 2023.

This public hearing will be conducted virtually via Webex. If you are not able to attend this meeting and would like to provide input, please feel free to contact program staff with comments or to set up a discussion time.​

Meeting Details:

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Time: 10:00 a.m.​

Meeting Materials:

​ ​

HB 2062​ and Other Rulemaking Updates​

13 Jun 2022ODOE Submits Final Rules for Energy Efficiency Standards

​The Oregon Department of Energy submitted final rules to the Secretary of State on June 13, 2022, to amend program rules for energy efficiency standards for appliances and other products. The rulemaking process included a public hearing on June 8, 2022, and a public comment period which closed the same day. As proposed in the draft rules, the final rules postpone the effective date for energy efficiency standards affecting electric storage water heaters by one year from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023, due ongoing supply chain issues affecting manufacturers. The rule changes became effective June 14, 2022.


08 Jun 2022Public Hearing for Energy Efficiency Standards Rulemaking

Public Hearing:

Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 10 a.m.

This public hearing will be conducted virtually via Webex.

Join via webinar:
Webinar password: Energy (363749 from phones) 

Audio conference information: +1-408-418-9388 US Toll
Webinar number (access code): 2342 005 9369 

Hearing materials:

Secretary of State Hearing Notice, including draft rules in Track Changes


The proposed rule changes would delay an effective date for a standard that was adopted by the department in administrative rules to implement House Bill 2062 (2021). These rules and legislation included a standard for demand response-ready electric storage water heaters. The standard requires electric storage water heaters to comply with communications interface standard, CTA-2045-A, and was originally set to become effective for equipment (both heat pump water heaters and electric resistance water heaters) manufactured on or after January 1, 2022. This date was set during 2020 rulemaking and confirmed in HB 2062 in the 2021 Legislative Session as required under ORS 469.261.

In October of 2021, after communication with other states, manufacturers, and industry partners, ODOE became aware of potential supply chain constraints related to electronics components of the communications port that is needed to comply with the CTA-2045-A standard. ODOE included a request in an October 5, 2021, Public Hearing Notice to prompt stakeholders to provide formal comments on the effective date for the demand response water heater standard.

ODOE held a public rulemaking hearing on October 27, 2021. Through the public comment process, ODOE received comments on the effective date of the demand response-ready water heater standard, with all comments supportive of a delay to the effective date. ODOE responded to valid industry supply chain constraints and filed rules on November 23, 2021, to delay the effective date by 6 months to July 1, 2022. ODOE established a 6-month delay in anticipation of a resolution of supply chain issues by July 2022, but also with the expectation to review market conditions as this July 2022 effective date approached.

In 2022, ODOE has been in communication with Washington state and industry partners to evaluate the potential need for additional delay of this standard. Industry feedback to-date indicates that supply chain issues remain a valid concern that continues to impact manufacturing capabilities, planning, and schedules. Through this rulemaking ODOE proposes to further postpone the demand response-ready standard for electric storage water heaters for an additional year to July 1, 2023. Under ORS 469.261(2)(b), ODOE has the authority to postpone a standard up to two times, each time for up to one year, if either of two criteria are met:

1) Adjoining states with similar minimum energy efficiency standards have postponed the operative date of their corresponding minimum energy efficiency standards; or

2) Failure to modify the operative date of any of the minimum energy efficiency standards would impose a substantial hardship on manufacturers, retailers, or the public.

Given that Washington state has postponed the operative date of their corresponding similar standard (and is in process for additional postponement) and that supply chain issues would cause an effective standard to impose a substantial hardship on manufacturers, retailers, and the public, ODOE has determined that both the criteria in ORS 469.261(2)(b) are met in this case. This delay would represent the final postponement that ODOE could provide administratively by rule under its statutory authority. 

Commenting on the draft rules:

ODOE will accept oral testimony on the rules at the public hearing.

Written comments on the rulemaking are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, and may be sent via email to:

The public hearing will be the final opportunity for comment before the department files permanent rules. ODOE plans to file the proposed rules before June 30, 2022, with the rules becoming effective upon filing.

For more information, contact:

Blake Shelide, Facilities Engineer, 503-373-7809,​

Wendy Simons, Rulemaking Coordinator, 971-707-0044,

23 Nov 2021ODOE Submits Final Rules for Energy Efficiency Standards

The Oregon Department of Energy submitted final rules to the Secretary of State on November 23, 2021 to amend program rules for energy efficiency standards for appliances and other products. The rulemaking process included a public hearing on October 27, 2021 and a public comment period which closed the same day. As proposed in the draft rules, the changes will:

  • conform ODOE administrative rules to statutory changes made by the 2021 Legislative Assembly in House Bill 2062;
  • update Oregon's energy efficiency standard for computers and computer monitors to match the standard recently adopted by California;
  • encourage rather than require manufacturers to also make similar requests to other states when they make a request for an alternative standard to the communications port and communication interface standards in Oregon for electric storage water heaters; and
  • make housekeeping changes such as deleting obsolete references and renumbering.

In addition to the amendments proposed in the draft rules, the permanent rules postpone the effective date from January 1, 2022 to July 1, 2022 for the demand response water heater standard (330-092-0015(16)) in response to comments received during the public process and additional discussions with stakeholders regarding manufacturing delays. The Washington Department of Commerce has suspended their equivalent standard requirement until March 1, 2022 by emergency rule and may consider an extension depending upon conditions leading up to March 1. ODOE has authority under ORS 469.261(1)(c) to postpone the effective date of a standard for up to one year if either of two criteria are met, both of which are met in this case:

  1. Adjoining states with similar minimum energy efficiency standards have postponed the operative date of their corresponding minimum energy efficiency standards; or
  2. Failure to modify the operative date of any of the minimum energy efficiency standards would impose a substantial hardship on manufacturers, retailers or the public.

The rule changes become effective January 1, 2022.


27 Oct 2021Energy Efficiency Standards Rules Public Hearing
Public Hearing:
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 9 a.m.

The ODOE building is currently closed to the public, but our services are open. This public hearing will be conducted virtually via Webex.

Join via webinar:

Audio conference information:
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code.
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free
Global call-in numbers | Toll-free dialing restrictions

Hearing materials:

This rulemaking is a continuation of ODOE's work on energy efficiency standards, as well as the last step in a multi-year process to adopt specific standards as directed in Executive Order 20-04, issued by Governor Kate Brown in March 2020. In response to EO 20-04, ODOE conducted a rulemaking process in summer 2020 to adopt new energy efficiency standards for nine products and update standards for two additional products. As required by Oregon statute ORS 469.261, the Governor introduced legislation on behalf of the Department during the 2021 Legislative session to conform standards in statute to the rules adopted by ODOE. This legislation, House Bill 2062, was adopted by the Oregon Legislature and signed by the Governor on June 1, 2021.

The Oregon Department of Energy will be holding a public hearing on October 27, 2021 to receive feedback regarding its draft rules to implement House Bill 2062 and continue general administration of energy efficiency standards for Oregon. This rulemaking is to:    
  • conform ODOE administrative rules to statutory changes made by the 2021 Legislative Assembly in House Bill 2062;
  • update Oregon's energy efficiency standard for computers and computer monitors to match the standard recently adopted by California;
  • encourage rather than require manufacturers to also make similar requests to other states when they make a request for an alternative standard to the communications port and communication interface standards in Oregon for electric storage water heaters. ODOE is also interested in comments related to the effective date, as established in 2020 rulemaking, of the standard for demand response electric storage water heaters; and
  • make housekeeping changes such as deleting obsolete references and renumbering.
Other than the proposed update to Oregon's computer and computer monitor standard, ODOE does not intend to propose or update any other efficiency standards as part of this rulemaking.

Commenting on the draft rules:

ODOE will accept oral testimony on the rules at the public hearing, using the contact information listed above.

Written comments on the rulemaking are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, and may be sent via email to:

The public hearing will be the final opportunity for comment before the department files permanent rules. ODOE plans to file the proposed rules before December 31, 2021, with new and updated standards becoming effective January 1, 2022 or later, as specified in the rules.

For more information, contact:

08 Sep 2021Energy Efficiency Standards Rulemaking Stakeholder Advisory Meeting

The Oregon Department of Energy will be holding a stakeholder advisory meeting on September 8, 2021 to discuss and receive feedback regarding its upcoming rulemaking for energy efficiency standards for appliances. This rulemaking is to:

  • conform ODOE administrative rules to statutory changes made by the 2021 Legislative Assembly in House Bill 2062;
  • update Oregon's energy efficiency standard for computers and computer monitors to match the standard recently adopted by California; and
  • make housekeeping changes such as deleting obsolete references and renumbering.

Other than the proposed update to Oregon's computer and computer monitor standard, ODOE does not intend to propose or update any other efficiency standards as part of this rulemaking.

The ODOE building is currently closed to the public, but our services are open. This public hearing will be conducted virtually via Webex. If you are not able to attend this meeting and would like to provide input, please feel free to contact program staff with comments or to set up a discussion time.

Meeting Details:

Date:  Wednesday, September 8, 2021       
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Join the webinar:

Call in info: 1-415-655-0001, Access code: 145 225 1266

Meeting Material:


This rulemaking is a continuation of ODOE's work on energy efficiency standards, as well as the last step in a multi-year process to adopt specific standards as directed in Executive Order 20-04, issued by Governor Kate Brown in March 2020. In response to EO 20-04, ODOE conducted a rulemaking process in summer 2020 to adopt new energy efficiency standards for nine products and update standards for two additional products. As required by Oregon statute ORS 469.261, the Governor introduced legislation on behalf of the Department during the 2021 Legislative session to conform standards in statute to the rules adopted by ODOE. This legislation, House Bill 2062, was adopted by the Oregon Legislature and signed by the Governor on June 1, 2021.



EO 20-04 Rulemaking​

28 Aug 2020ODOE Submits Rulemaking for Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards
The Oregon Department of Energy submitted final rules to the Secretary of State on August 28, 2020 to amend program rules for energy efficiency standards for appliances and other products. The rule changes establish new energy efficiency standards for ten products and update an additional standard. The amendments also inclu​ded updates to clarify program rules. The rulemaking process included a public hearing on July 23, 2020 and a public comment period which closed on July 24, 2020.

ORS 469.261 requires a one-year waiting period before ODOE rules establishing or updating appliance energy efficiency standards can become effective. Additionally, ORS 469.261 requires that legislation conforming the standards in statute to the new or modified standards in rule must be introduced in the following Legislative Assembly. ODOE plans to introduce a legislative concept for the 2021 Legislative session to complete this process. The rule changes become effective September 1, 2021.

23 Jul 2020Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards Rules Public Hearing
Public Hearing:

Thursday, July 23, 2020, 10 a.m.

The ODOE building is currently closed to the public, but our services are open. This public hearing will be conducted virtually via Webex.

Join via webinar:

Call in: +1-408-418-9388 Access Code: 129 095 4103 

Hearing materials:

Executive Order 20-04, issued by Governor Kate Brown on March 10, 2020, directed ODOE to establish energy efficiency standards in rule for a specific list of products. These new and updated standards are intended to promote energy conservation for Oregon consumers, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide alignment and harmonization with Washington and California markets.

ODOE appreciates the information and feedback that stakeholders have provided through the May 20 stakeholder advisory meeting and related discussions, as well as the letters that have already been submitted to the agency regarding the proposed rules. Please know that if you have already submitted a letter to ODOE as part of the stakeholder advisory process, ODOE has that information on file and any identical comments would not need to be re-submitted. 

Particularly regarding the potential for additional products to be included in this round of rulemaking, the information submitted has been very informative for ODOE's process. Please refer to the summary of additional products​ that have been recommended for consideration in this round of standards, along with a summary of their current status. At this time, ODOE is proposing to move forward with standards for the ten specific products listed in Executive Order 20-04 along with an update to Oregon's standard for water coolers. 

ORS 469.261 requires that, after ODOE completes rulemaking to establish or update appliance efficiency standards, legislation conforming the standards in statute to the new or modified standards in rule must be introduced in the following Legislative Assembly. ODOE plans to introduce a legislative concept for the 2021 Legislative session to complete this process.

Commenting on the draft rules:

ODOE will accept oral testimony on the rules at the public hearing, using the number listed above.

Written comments on the rulemaking are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, July 24, 2020, and may be sent via email to:

The public hearing will be the final opportunity for comment before the department files permanent rules. ODOE plans to file the proposed rules by September 1, 2020, with new and updated standards becoming effective January 1, 2022 or later, as specified in the rules.

For more information, contact:

Blake Shelide, Facilities Engineer, 503-373-7809,

Wendy Simons, Rulemaking Coordinator, 503-378-6043,

20 May 20202020 Energy Efficiency Standards Rulemaking Advisory Meeting

​The Oregon Department of Energy will be holding a stakeholder advisory meeting on May 20 for its upcoming appliance standards rulemaking. ODOE will be seeking feedback on such aspects as the proposed efficiency standards, effective dates, product registration, and labeling requirements, as well as additional standards opportunities. This meeting will have capability for remote participation. If you are not able to attend this meeting and would like to provide input, please feel free to contact program staff with comments or to set up a discussion time.

Meeting Details

Date:  Wednesday, May 20, 2020       
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Join the webinar at:
Call in info: 408-418-9388 Access code: 713 640 175

Meeting Material

  • Audio Recording​

23 Apr 2020ODOE to Launch Energy Efficiency Standards Rulemaking
The Oregon Department of Energy will be conducting rulemaking to update Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 330 Division 92 regarding Energy Efficiency Standards (or Appliance Standards). This rulemaking is in response to Executive Order 20-04 which was signed by Governor Kate Brown in March 2020 and directs ODOE to establish standards for products including the following:​
  1. High CRI fluorescent lamps
  2. Computers and computer monitors
  3. Faucets
  4. Shower heads
  5. Commercial fryers
  6. Commercial dishwashers
  7. Commercial steam cookers
  8. Residential ventilating fans
  9. Electric storage water heaters (demand response design requirement)
  10. Portable electric spas
ODOE will launch a rulemaking process to establish new rules for energy efficient products by September 1, 2020, as directed in EO 20-04.  This rulemaking will focus on aligning Oregon with energy efficiency standards of our west coast neighbors.  

ODOE is interested in holding a stakeholder advisory meeting to help inform rulemaking as the agency engages in this process. This meeting will have capability for remote participation. Please sign up to receive email updates (under Rulemaking - Appliance Standards) to receive meeting notices and additional communication on this topic. ODOE will be seeking feedback on such aspects as the proposed efficiency standards, effective dates, product registration, and labeling requirements.

ODOE is also interested in hearing from stakeholders on whether there are additional product standards that could be established with this rulemaking. While the primary focus of this rulemaking is on the standards directly listed in EO 20-04, ODOE would also like to hear from stakeholders on additional opportunities.

This effort represents a continuation of ODOE's ongoing work on appliance standards, including publication of a report in 2018 as part of Executive Order 17-20 which identified appliance standards opportunities for Oregon.

This rulemaking will be accompanied by development of an agency Legislative Concept​ for introduction during the 2021 Legislative Session, per the process outlined in ORS 469.261.


​ Energy Efficiency Standards

​​​​​​​​Sign Up For Email Updates​

​​​​For more information or to provide comments, contact:

Blake Shelide
Facilities Engineer

Wendy Simons
Rulemaking Coordinator

disability icons To request an interpreter for the hearing impaired or accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact the Oregon Department of Energy at least 72 hours before the meeting at
1-800-221-8035 or fax 503-373-7806. TTY users should call the Oregon Relay Service at 711.​​​​​

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