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The Visiting Mexican Teachers Program, or Programa Visitante, is a mutually beneficial program with a partnership between the Oregon Department of Education and the Ministry of Education in Mexico (SEP) in which highly qualified teachers from Mexico come to Oregon and teach in high-need, dual-language programs. The Oregon Department of Education works closely with the Consulate of Mexico in order to recruit and retain teachers from Mexico. Visiting teachers obtain a leave of absence through the Secretary of Education in Mexico for their current teaching positions, licensure through TSPC in Oregon, and work under a J-1 visa for 3-5 years. While in Oregon, they live and teach in communities with both native Spanish-speaking students and students learning Spanish in a two-way immersion program. They provide high-quality, native Spanish-speaking instruction while also teaching students about their culture, customs and traditions of Mexico. In addition, they are role models to students wanting to make connections to their own culture or who want to learn about other cultures. When the teacher’s service is over, they return to Mexico as teacher leaders and help implement many of the language learning strategies and best practices they gleaned from working and living in the United States. Please also see the website for the
Mexico Ministry of Education.