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Summer Meal Programs

When school is not in session, Summer Meal Programs can help fill the nutrition gap children may face without access to school meals. Summer Meal Programs include the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the Seamless Summer Option (SSO). Children and teens between the ages of 1 and 18 are eligible to receive meals at no charge under both of these programs. This page contains information that applies to both the SFSP and the SSO. For program-specific information, please click on the appropriate program button to visit its program page. 

How do I find a Summer Meals Site?

ODE Summer Kickoff Promotional Video

Program Guidance

Program Marketing & Outreach

Go Social: Share your Summer Meals stories on Twitter with the OR Dept. of Education @ORDeptEd #Summermeals #SummerFoodRocks​


For links to printable materials, designs for locally funded imprints (shirts, mugs, bags, etc.), and social media templates visit Oregon State University's Food Hero SFSP site


Program Waiver Requests

​The Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Department has submitted the below waiver requests to the US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services. This information is provided to comply with the public notification statutory requirements in the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, Section 12 (I)(1)(A)(ii).