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FAQ for Families

Oregon KindergartenFrequently Asked Questions

Enrolling in Public Kindergarten

Enrolling your child in kindergarten is an exciting milestone and an important decision. This guide offers answers to frequently asked questions you might have about kindergarten.

The Rights of All Children: All children in Oregon have the right to access public elementary and secondary education, regardless of their actual or perceived race, color, national origin, citizenship, immigration status or the status of their parent(s) or guardian(s). 

Please reach out to your local school district if you have questions about class schedules, transportation, or meals. If you are unsure which school district you live in, visit the Great! Schools webpage for assistance.

All About Kindergarten

The Oregon Legislature passed a bill in July 1981 requiring all school districts to offer kindergarten by 1991. In 2015, Oregon began funding full-day kindergarten.

Kindergarten provides a well-rounded foundation for young learners combining academic skills, social interaction and play-based learning. To enroll in kindergarten, children must be 5 years old on or before the September date of the enrolling year. Please contact your local school district for the exact date.  ​

No, kindergarten is not a required grade in Oregon and families can choose not to send their child to kindergarten. While school attendance is required starting at age 6, most families in the state choose to enroll their child in kindergarten at age 5. Please contact your local school district to learn more about its enrollment policies. Children who turn 6 before September 1, may be placed in first grade, even if they did not attend kindergarten.​

​School districts must offer half-day kindergarten and may choose to offer full-day kindergarten. Under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 336.095​, all school districts must provide kindergarten at no cost to families. 

Under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 336.095​, each school district sets its own policies for kindergarten entry; most requiring children to turn 5 on or before September 1 of that year. If a school has an early entry process, it is decided by each local school board. If available, the process typically includes a meeting with the family and child, and may include assessments about the child’s current skills. Please contact your local school district for their policy on early kindergarten entry.  

Enrollment and Registration

Yes, it is ​free for all families. Your child has a right to free public kindergarten. No child can be excluded from school activities if the family cannot pay. Schools may ask students to bring supplies such as pencils and notebooks, but assistance may be available if needed, ask your school about different options for supplies.

​Most school districts in Oregon begin enrollment in the spring before the school year begins. Check with your local ​district to learn about specific dates and what to d​​o to enroll. If you are unsure what district you belong to, try visiting the Great! Schools webpage for assistance.


​Contact your local school district or the school in your neighborhood to start the enrollment process. They will guide you through the necessary steps.​​

​To register your child for kindergarten in Oregon, you will need:  

  • Proof of age  
  • Immunization records 
  • Proof of address (like a utility bill, rental agreement or mortgage statement).  
Depending on the district, you may also need to complete a student registration form and provide emergency contact information. Your district will work with you to gather the necessary information. 

​Per the Oregon Health Authority's School Immunization Handbook children who come from outside the country and start school are considered “new enterers." These students must show ​proof of having at least o​ne dose of each required vaccine or an approved exemption before starting school. Immunization records from other countries are acceptable. There are some exceptions to the immunization​ requirement such as:

  • A child may be too young to get a vaccine.
  • A child may be too old to need a certain vaccine.
  • A child may have a documented medical or nonmedical exemption.
  • A child may have immunity documentation.
  • A child may be experiencing houselessness.
  • A child may be an immigrant or refugee student from another country and be experiencing houselessness (see next section).

For more information, contact your child's school, or visit the Oregon Health Authority immunization website.​

​McKinney-Vento Act, which protects the rights of students experiencing housing instability to attend school regardless of residency/records. Contact your school district's McKinney-Vento liaison for support. More information is available on the Oregon Department of Education’s McKinney-Vento Act webpage and scrolling down to the “District McKinney-Vento Point of Contact” section.​

What are my rights as a parent or guardian of a school aged child?

Families with school-aged children in Oregon have important rights, which remain unaffected by na​tional origin, citizenship or immigration status. Key points include:

  • Access to Education: All children are entitled to free public education, regardless of citizenship or residency. 
  • Non-Discriminatory Practices: Schools cannot ask for information that would discourage enrollment and cannot share personal information without your consent or legal permission. 
  • Communication: Schools must provide meaningful communication to families in a language they understand. 
  • Identification of EL Students: Schools must identify English Learner (EL) students with a Language Use Survey. Based on the responses to the three questions on this survey, your child may be assessed for English language proficiency.  This assessment helps district staff determine instructional supports your child may need.

​All children residing in Oregon have the right to an education. The immigration status of children or parent(s)/guardian(s) should not be asked or collected by the school, and it does not affect your child's ability to attend school.   

If your child has a food allergy or medical condition, it's important to take proactive steps to ensure their safety, well-being and success at school. Here are some key steps to follow:  
  • Notify the school staff: As soon as your child is diagnosed with a food allergy or medical condition, inform the school administration, including the principal, nurse and teachers.  
  • Provide medical documentation: Give the school a note from your child’s doctor outlining the allergy or condition, triggers, symptoms, treatment plan and any necessary medications.  
  • Complete school forms: Fill out any required health forms or medication authorization forms that allow the school to administer emergency treatments (e.g., EpiPen, inhalers).  
  • Meet with school staff: It is important to meet with and provide information to school staff so that they can assess your child’s needs and provide the needed resources and care. Your child may be eligible for important protections and accommodations to ensure their safety and access to education provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.   
  • IDEA ensures that students with qualifying disabilities are entitled to special education services and accommodations through an Individualized Education Program (IEP).  
  • Section 504 is a civil rights law that protects students with disabilities from discrimination and ensures they have equal access to education. For students with food allergies or medical conditions, a 504 Plan is often used to ensure their safety and inclusion.  
  • Request an evaluation: If you believe your child may qualify for an IEP under IDEA or a 504 Plan under Section 504. This evaluation will determine whether your child meets the eligibility for an IEP or 504 plan.  

​All children, including those with identified developmental delays or disabilities, can enroll in kindergarten as soon as they meet the age of entry requirements of the local school district. Children who experience disabilities may receive necessary services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP). 

​If your child has been receiving Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services and is about to start kindergarten or another school-age program, here’s what you need to know: 

  • Continued Eligibility for Services: If your child has already been identified with a disability, their eligibility for special education services will continue as they move to kindergarten. The school district might review your child’s needs to see if they still qualify for these services or gather updated eligibility information through reevaluation. 
  • Transition Planning Meeting: Before your child starts school, the school district and the team providing your child’s current special education services will hold a meeting with you. This meeting will happen during the year before your child starts kindergarten. Together, the team will plan the steps to help your child transition smoothly from ECSE into the K-12 education system. 

This process is designed to make sure your child has the best possible start in kindergarten.

Why is kindergarten important?

​Young children have rapid changes in their growth and brain development. Kindergarten provides a free, high-quality learning opportunity during this critical time. In a kindergarten classroom your child will be guided by caring teachers and benefit from learning and playing with other children. Your school will create a supportive community that understands each child's unique needs and encourages their love for learning. You and your child may be eligible for other resources like meals, transportation and special education services. 

​Starting kindergarten in Oregon is based on age and not what your child is able to do. Children arrive in classrooms with a range of skills and schools are required to serve all children. It’s important for adults to work together as a child starts kindergarten. Families are a child’s first and most important teacher and your school will partner with you to support this big step. More resources and information are available on the Oregon Department of Education’s Transitioning into Kindergarten​ webpage.  

​Research shows that starting kindergarten on time offers significant benefits such as supporting children’s growth and setting them up for long-term success. Families are encouraged to enroll their child in kindergarten according to their local district’s policy. If you are considering delaying your child’s kindergarten enrollment, be sure to check with your local school district about what options you may have since children are typically put in grades based on their age. Families can choose not to send their child to kindergarten, but as a result, the child may enter first grade the following year to remain with children of the same age, even if they did not attend kindergarten. 

​All languages are welcome! No child can be excluded from school if their home or first language is not English. Children begin kindergarten with a range of language skills. There are many benefits to knowing multiple languages. We encourage families to support native language development by talking, singing, playing and reading with your children in your home language/s. Children who speak languages other than English may be eligible for additional language services. 

​No. Your child will not be separated if they do not speak English. However, they may receive additional support inside and out of class to work with a language specialist to develop their English skills. 

​No. A school district or charter school must offer kindergarten for all age-eligible children to attend, even if they are not yet able to use the bathroom independently. The school will work with each family to provide necessary support for their enrollment in kindergarten. If eligible, accommodations can be included in their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan. It may also be helpful to consider discussing this with a medical professional.​​​

Additional Resources

Welcome to School in the United States!
As a parent or guardian, you play a vital role in your child’s education. There are many ways for you to get involved and support your child’s learning experience. When you do, you help your child learn and thrive!

For more information, contact your local school district or visit the Oregon Department of Education website.

Mindi Helmandollar-Armatas, PreK-3rd Grade Coordinator