The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the University of Oregon (UO) have been funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to investigate the efficacy of Oregon's high school success initiative that was passed under state ballot Measure 98. The primary objective of the project is to evaluate the short- and longer-term impact of 9th grade student success team investments on the 9th grade on track to graduation (9G-OTG) readiness of Oregon students.
In November 2016, Oregon's ballot Measure 98 passed with strong voter support, initiating the state's High School Success (HSS) fund. Measure 98 allowed ODE to allocate more than $150 million dollars across approximately 200 districts for high school success efforts. Across the state, many districts and schools used HSS funds to develop and implement 9th grade student success teams to improve 9G-OTG outcomes. Researchers from the UO are now collaborating with their colleagues at ODE to investigate whether implementation of the HSS initiative increased 9G-OTG rates initially and over time with respect to COVID-19 disruptions.
The materials posted here are designed share what the project team has found to date.
Did You Know (DYK)?
One-page summaries intended to highlight a key aspect or finding from the project.
Success Teams and the Pre- and Post- COVID-19 On-Track to Graduation Status of Students in Oregon
Glossary of Did You Know (DYK) Terms
Select Conference Presentations : Research findings presented at national conferences.
- Paper Presented at AERA 2024, Philadelphia, PA
- Paper Presented at the 2023 NCES STATS-DC Data Conference, Managing the Data Highway, Washington, DC
American Educational Research Association
Zvoch, K., Loan, C. M., & Scalise, K. (2024, April).
Student success teams and on-track to graduation status in Oregon: An interrupted time series analysis.
American Evaluation Association
Zvoch, K., Loan, C. M., & Scalise, K. (2023, October).
Identifying implementation and subgroup effects with ML methods in a statewide intervention.
NCES STATS-DC Data Conference, Managing the Data Highway
Scalise, K., Zvoch, K., Loan, C. M., Guha, A., & Farley, D. (2023, August).
A study in equity: Oregon's ninth grade transition.
A Study in Equity: Oregon's Ninth Grade Transition. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Educational Sciences (IES, CFDA 84.305S, R305S210005). Daniel Farley, Principal Investigator; Kathleen Scalise and Keith Zvoch, Co-Principal Investigators.
The research reported here was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305S210005 awarded to the Oregon Department of Education. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education.