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Advocacy Groups
Serves Oregon parents and the educational community.
To support bright, talented, gifted individuals and their families, and the professionals who work with them, to better understand the nature of giftedness, and to help these individuals reach their personal potential.
A diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents, educational institutions, and others interested in giftedness to focus world attention on gifted and talented children and ensure the realization of their valuable potential to the benefit of humankind.
Oregon Open Learning
Oregon Open Learning is the place to find and share open educational resources (OER) that are curated and created for and by Oregon educators. OER promotes educational equity by providing all students with access to openly-licensed, high quality, up-to-date, and relevant learning materials.
TAG Oregon Administrative Rules
TAG District Coordinator list
Statewide School District TAG Coordinator Contact List Entries highlighted in yellow need to be updated by the district. The deadline to submit updated TAG information is November 1 each year. Please use the contact list form below to submit new or updated contact information.
TAG State School District Contact List form This form is to be completed by new educators who would like to be added to the list or to be used by administrators to request a change to current information.
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