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Announcements and Notices


New Policies and Practices for TAG Effective beginning September 2022
  • The State Board of Education adopted the amended rules for OAR 581-022-2500 on January 20, 2022. The rules enhance communication between districts and their community as well as to the Department. Notable changes in 581-022-2500 include:
    • District-level TAG plans now need to be posted on the district's website, and available upon request by any school within the district. 
    • Districts shall report their designated TAG coordinator's contact information to the Department annually through our Contact Update Form (recommended ​​deadline - November 1st of each year).
    • Districts shall post and update their designated TAG coordinator's contact information on the district website annually (recommended deadline - September 30th of each year)
    • Families and TAG identified students have the right to discuss the programs and services available to the student and provide input on the programs and services received

Oregon State Assessment System (OSAS) Percentile Tables ODE will no longer publish percentile tables. Previously, OSAS percentile scores have been an integral data point in the TAG eligibility process, specifically, for the identification of academic talent in reading and mathematics. Moving forward, it is recommended that if OSAS scores are used in the eligibility process, districts engage in using local norms (comparing OSAS scores of peers within district and building levels, rather than the entire state) to better align the services offered by each district to the specific talent of students within each unique community. Many districts have already transitioned to using local norms and away from state norms over the last five years. If you have any questions regarding local norms, please do not hesitate to contact Angela Allen.