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Arts Education Resources


This page features resources and opportunities around arts education in Oregon, to help connect arts educators, schools and districts with the support needed to offer Oregon students a quality, standards-aligned arts education. 


Arts, Care & Connection Opportunities 
Kick off the school year with Arts for Learning Northwest by registering for professional learning sessions related to arts education
Don't miss the latest Arts, Care & Connection lessons available through the Oregon Arts Group. Lessons will be added throughout the fall. Share these valuable resources with your team and engage your elementary students with fun and meaningful arts learning!

Speak/Sing Native™ OpportunitiesSSN PD Flyer.jpg
Speak/Sing Native™ is a multidisciplinary K-12 music education curriculum that aligns with Oregon state standards and the Tribal History/Shared History initiative. The professional development team offers in-person workshop opportunities, a professional learning community, and educator stipends to support your growth.
To learn more and schedule professional development for the Speak/Sing Native program, please email
Join us and share these opportunities widely with educators to infuse joy in your teaching and inspire your students in the new school year!

Join the Oregon Arts Group!
The Oregon Arts Group is a digital resource repository and collaboration space in Oregon Open Learning for educators, administrators, and other educational partners to curate, create, and remix open educational resources (OER). Interested in joining and contributing to the Oregon Arts Group, but not sure how it works? Asynchronous learning options about the OER and the Oregon Open Learning Hub include the OER Professional Learning Group on the Hub and the User Guide for Oregon Open Learning.

Statewide Arts Education Programs

Arts, Care & Connection Program

Native Arts Program

The Oregon Department of Education is partnering with Arts forArts Care Connection Logo jpg.jpg Learning Northwest to design an Arts, Care & Connection program, offering free K-5 arts integration lessons and professional learning for teachers. These lessons, designed by teaching artists from across Oregon, will create high quality arts and social emotional learning opportunities for elementary students during the school day, and will be available statewide in the 2024-2025 school year. This work is done in partnership with ODE’s Care and Connection campaign and will integrate and align to ODE's recently adopted Oregon’s Transformative SEL Framework & Standards.

Kick off the school year with Arts for Learning Northwest by registering for professional learning sessions related to arts education.

The Well-Rounded Access Program is excited to announce a project to increase access to arts learning through culturally responsive lessons about contemporary and regional Native artists! This work aims to boost access to accurate, Tribal-specific arts content for Native and non-Native students through partnerships with federally recognized Tribes, Southern Oregon ESD, and the Jim Pepper Native Arts Council. They will develop lessons and professional development sessions integrating local Tribal cultural practices and the work of contemporary Native artists, incorporating the Oregon Arts Standards and the 9 Essential Understandings (developed for the Tribal History/Shared History (TH/SH) project).

To learn more and schedule professional development for the Speak/Sing Native program, please email

Arts Education Newsletter Archive

Interested in arts education? Sign up for the Arts Education Newsletter for updates! You can also view our past newsletters below:

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