The purpose of this resource collection is to support all schools in providing standards-aligned arts learning opportunities for students in grades K-12. Together, these resources aim to provide information and tools to clarify existing requirements for arts education access, assist schools at any stage of arts program implementation, and to increase access to and quality of student arts learning opportunities.

Free Arts Education Professional Development Opportunities
Arts, Care & Connection
Don't miss the latest Arts, Care & Connection lessons available through the
Oregon Arts Group. Lessons will be added throughout the fall. Share these valuable resources with your team and engage your elementary students with fun and meaningful arts learning!
Speak/Sing Native™ 
Speak/Sing Native™ is a multidisciplinary K-12 music education curriculum that aligns with Oregon state standards and the Tribal History/Shared History initiative. The professional development team offers in-person workshop opportunities, a professional learning community, and educator stipends to support your growth.
To learn more and schedule professional development for the Speak/Sing Native program, please email ODE.WRCoursesGrant@ode.oregon.gov.
Join us and share these opportunities widely with educators to infuse joy in your teaching and inspire your students in the new school year!
Arts Access Toolkit Overview Webinar
ODE invited administrators, educators, teaching artists, arts organizations, and all school staff, families, and community members interested in arts education to join us this June to learn more about the Arts Access Toolkit. Although these sessions have passed, you can
view the recording here and
a copy of the presentation here.