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Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGTs) and Local Optional Metrics (LOMs)

Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets and Local Optional Metrics are strategy-driven targets set by grantees of the Student Investment Account portion of the Integrated Programs, as required in statute. Grantees with at least 80 students (80 ADMr) are required to set targets for each of the five common metrics (4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate, 5 Year Cohort Completion Rate, 9th Grade On-Track to Graduate Rate, Regular Attendance Rate, and 3rd Grade English Language Arts Proficiency Rate) that has at least 10 students in the denominator.

LPGTs and LOMs are set following the odd-year application cycle for the Integrated Programs. More detail on the target-setting process, including guiding webinars, can be found in the Resources section of the Office of Education Innovation and Improvement webpage

LPGT and LOM Targets and Reports

For questions, comments, or additional information contact