For a PDF version of the LGBTQ2SIA+ Advisory Group Charter can click here.
LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group Charter
Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
Statement of Purpose:
The ODE LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group is a diverse group of community members which ensures Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) decision-making process and effective implementation of the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan. This effort will seek to address systemic inequities experienced by LGBTQ2SIA+ students through focused investments and community partnerships.
The Advisory Group formed shall advise the department regarding:
- Development and implementation of the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan;
- Eligibility criteria, applicant selection processes, and expectations for recipients of grant awards; and
- Adoption of rules by the State Board of Education for the implementation of the plan.
Decision-making Authority:
The LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group is an advisory body, where the members will provide knowledge, suggestions, and recommendations to advise the department regarding LGBTQ2SIA+ student supports and inclusive school communities. ODE staff is responsible for summarizing highlights from the meetings and responding to information requests and key action items. ODE will communicate how it acted on the advice provided by advisory members at the following meeting. Minutes will be taken and shared publicly.
Formation of Committee:
The LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group is required by statute: ORS 329.847 (2)(b) as part of the Student Success Act.
According to ORS 329.847, the department shall form an advisory group consisting of individuals representing:
- Individuals who identify as LGBTQ2SIA+;
- Students who identify as LGBTQ2SIA+;
- Representatives of community-based organizations that serve LGBTQ2SIA+ communities; or
- Education stakeholders, including representatives of the Department of Early Learning and Care, the Youth Development Division, and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.
Additionally, the department will consider other intersectional identities and roles of applicants to ensure equitable representation in the Advisory Group:
- Urban and rural communities;
- Tribal government or Tribal community member;
- Individuals with disabilities and disabled individuals;
- Immigrant populations (Immigrant, Dreamer, Refugee, etc.);
- English learners;
- Educator, teacher, or licensed staff;
- School, district, charter school, or ESD staff, classified staff, or administrator;
- Parent, guardian, or caretaker of an LGBTQ2SIA+ child;
- Health or mental health provider who serves LGBTQ2SIA+ youth;
- Representatives of culturally specific organization (CSO) which serves LGBTQ2SIA+ communities;
- Represents LGBTQ2SIA+ youth or students in non-traditional educational settings (e.g., unhoused youth, youth in juvenile detention facilities, youth in foster-care, youth in long-term care and treatment facilities);
The Advisory Group will consist of up to 25 members with equitable representation in addition to the required categories outlined in ORS 329.847.
Applications for membership will be publicized as advisory group vacancies become available. An ad-hoc subcommittee of ODE staff and current advisory group members will review applications and make recommendations to ODE staff. The Director of ODE will make the final decision on advisory group appointments.
Responsibilities of members:
- Attend advisory group meetings. Meetings will be held virtually to allow for full participation of advisory group members across the state.
- Share relevant information from communities to the advisory group.
- Connect with constituents and local networks to share with the advisory group.
- Review minutes and materials prior to meetings.
- Inform ODE staff if you anticipate missing one or more meetings.
Removal from the advisory group will occur when a member is absent for two (2) consecutive meetings unless prior notice is given to ODE staff.
Advisory group will meet at least 8 times a year (monthly from October to June) and last approximately 2 hours on the 1st Tuesday afternoon of the month; additional meetings may be requested. Meetings are held virtually. Meeting schedule for the year will be set in August of each year or at the annual retreat.
Meetings are not open to the public, however, meeting agendas and minutes will be posted to the ODE website in order to maintain transparency and accountability. As a state agency workgroup, meeting materials are subject to public records requests according to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
There will not be proxy attendance for this advisory group. ODE staff are responsible for following up with advisory group members who miss a meeting to debrief them on agenda items discussed.
Advisory group members may be asked to volunteer or participate in any formal or ad-hoc workgroups deemed necessary by the advisory group or agency. Assistance in coordinating additional meetings or other contributions will be provided by ODE.
Membership Terms of Service:
Members of the advisory group may be reappointed for a second term. Incumbents must submit new application materials before the recruitment deadline. Individuals who have served the maximum two terms must wait one year before they can reapply for a position on the advisory group.
Advisory group members shall not serve more than a total of two consecutive terms, for a total of four years.
If a committee seat is vacated mid-term, a replacement will be selected by an ad-hoc subcommittee of ODE staff and current advisory group members. That individual will complete the term they are filling and are still allowed to serve two terms, totaling four years.
Conflicts of interest:
Advisory group members will be asked to declare any and all potential conflicts of interest. Since this group is advisory in nature, the agency does not want to exclude voices from participation. All advisory group members will submit a conflict of interest form upon accepting their membership. Conflicts of interest include place of employment, volunteer or board positions, close family members connected to potential grantee organizations, desire to apply to become a grantee, etc. Of note, if advisory group members volunteer to review future grant applications, we will need to ensure conflict of interest is addressed in this workgroup.
The charter shall be reviewed and reassessed by the advisory group annually.