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LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan Statute

For full Oregon Revised Statute relating to the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Program, please see below or visit ORS 329.847.

329.847 Statewide education plan for students who are minority gender identity or sexual orientation; advisory group; report; grants; rules.

(1) As used in this section, “plan student” means a student enrolled in early childhood through post-secondary education who:

(a) May be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, nonbinary or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation; and

(b) Has experienced disproportionate results in education due to historical practices, as identified by the State Board of Education by rule.

(2) (a) The Department of Education shall develop and implement a statewide education plan for plan students.

(b) The department shall form an advisory group to advise the department regarding the adoption and implementation of the plan. The advisory group must consist of:

(A) Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, nonbinary or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation;

(B) Students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, nonbinary or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation;

(C) Representatives of community-based organizations that serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, nonbinary or another minority gender identity or sexual orientation population; and

(D) Education stakeholders, including representatives of the Early Learning Division, the Youth Development Division and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

(c) When implementing the plan, the department shall consult with:

(A) The advisory group described in paragraph (b) of this subsection;

(B) The advisory group described in ORS 329.841, related to students who are Black or African-American;

(C) The advisory group described in ORS 329.843, related to students who are American Indian or Alaska Native;

(D) The advisory group described in ORS 329.845, related to students who are Latino or Hispanic; and

(E) Any other advisory groups or education stakeholders identified by the department.

(d) The department shall be responsible for:

(A) Implementing the plan developed under this section;

(B) Developing eligibility criteria, the applicant selection process and expectations for recipients of grant awards described in this section; and

(C) Advising the State Board of Education on the adoption of rules under this section.

(3) The plan developed under this section must address:

(a) The disparities experienced by plan students in every indicator of academic success, as documented by the department’s statewide report card and other relevant reports related to plan students;

(b) The historical practices leading to disproportionate outcomes for plan students; and

(c) The educational needs of plan students from early childhood through post-secondary education as determined by examining culturally appropriate best practices in this state and across the nation.

(4) The plan developed and implemented under this section must provide strategies to:

(a) Address the disproportionate rate of disciplinary incidents involving plan students as compared to all students in the education system;

(b) Increase parental engagement in the education of plan students;

(c) Increase the engagement of plan students in educational activities before and after regular school hours;

(d) Increase early childhood education and kindergarten readiness for plan students;

(e) Improve literacy and numeracy levels among plan students between kindergarten and grade three;

(f) Support plan student transitions to middle school and through the middle school and high school grades to maintain and improve academic performance;

(g) Support culturally responsive pedagogy and practices from early childhood through post-secondary education;

(h) Support the development of culturally responsive curricula from early childhood through post-secondary education;

(i) Increase attendance of plan students in early childhood programs through post-secondary and professional certification programs; and

(j) Increase attendance of plan students in four-year post-secondary institutions of education.

(5) The department shall submit a biennial report concerning the progress of the plan developed and implemented under this section to a committee of the Legislative Assembly related to education at each even-numbered year regular session of the Legislative Assembly.

(6) The department, in consultation with the advisory group, may award grants to Early Learning Hubs, providers of early learning services, school districts, education service districts, post-secondary institutions of education, tribal governments, community-based organizations or a consortium of these entities to implement the strategies provided in the plan developed and implemented under this section.

(7) To qualify for and receive a grant described in this section, an applicant must identify and demonstrate that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria established by the State Board of Education by rule. [2021 c.644 §1]


Note: The name of the Early Learning Division is being changed to the Department of Early Learning and Care. The name change becomes operative on January 1, 2023. See sections 64 and 71, chapter 631, Oregon Laws 2021. Editorial adjustment for the name change has not yet been made.


Note: 329.847 (Statewide education plan for students who are minority gender identity or sexual orientation) was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS Chapter 329 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.