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CACFP Resources: Forms, Documents, Handbooks and Manuals

Forms, Handbooks, and Other documents are listed by each Sponsor type below.  “All Programs” applies to all sponsor types unless noted otherwise.  Each plus sign expands the section to list the forms, and documents that apply to the program type.  Multiple sections can expand at one time, to find all the documents that apply to each program.  For example, a Sponsor has a Child Care Center and an At-Risk Afterschool Program.  The Sponsor will click on the plus sign for the following:  All Sponsors, Child Care, and At-Risk Afterschool.  If you need assistance, please contact your assigned specialist. 



Meal Accommodations and Modifications Webpage​ - Follow this link to learn more about the requirements for meal modifications in the CACFP.​


Civil Rights webpage​ - Follow this link to learn about civil rights requirements and download required documents.​​


Procurement webpage​ - Follow this link to access procurement regulations, requirements and guidelines.​​

Resources: ​​

Resources: ​​


See "All Programs"


All files can be edited based on your organization's varying policies and procedures.
  • Claims Procedure Template - the following templates are meant for sponsors who want to create a written claims procedure. Both files can be edited based on your organization's varying policies and procedures. Only one template needs to be used and sponsors can choose the format that works best for them.
    • Claims Procedure Template​​ - This template is in a Microsoft Word format and allows sponsors to create a written claims procedure.
    • Claims Procedure Template - This template is in a PDF version and includes a fill-in-the question format to create a written claims procedure.
  • CACFP Financial Management Procedure Template - the following templates are meant for center-based non-School Food Authority sponsors. The templates include an overview of a sponsor's CACFP financial management procedures. There is an Adobe PDF version and a Word document version, only one template needs to be used and sponsors can choose the format that works best for them.
  • Procurement Procedure Template for Small CACFP Sponsors - A template for center-based sponsors to create a written Procurement Procedure plan. Small CACFP sponsors are sponsors who do not use formal procurement.
  • Procurement Procedure Template for Large CACFP Sponsors - A template for center-based sponsors to create a written Procurement Procedure plan. Large CACFP sponsors are sponsors who use formal procurement.
  • CACFP Menu Procedure Template - the following templates are meant for center-based sponsors who want to create a written menu procedure. Both files can be edited based on your organization's varying policies and procedures. Only one template needs to be used and sponsors can choose the format that works best for them.
  • OMER Procedures Template - A template for Child Care Centers, Adult Day Care Centers, Outside School Hours Child Care, and Head Starts with community slots to create a One Month Enrollment Roster. 
  • Child Enrollment Form Procedures Template - A template for Child Care Centers, Head Starts, and Outside School Hours Child Care to create a written procedure for collecting and reviewing Child Enrollment Forms.
  • Confidential Income Statement Procedures Template - A template for Child Care Centers, Adult Day Care Centers, Outside School Hours Child Crae, and Head Starts with community slots to collect and review Confidential Income Statements.