Substitute Teachers and Instructional Assistants, like permanent teachers, have Required Trainings and must maintain certifications and licenses. Often, Substitute Teachers and Instructional Assistants need to pay for these trainings themselves. This can create an additional hardship for these professionals.
HB 4030 provides $19 million in grants to reimburse Substitute Teachers and Instructional Assistants for trainings they are required to take.
The following definitions apply to this grant:
- “Instructional Assistant” means any staff employed by a district, education service district, public charter school, or private third party who assists with preparation of curriculum, assessment and direction of learning in class, in small groups, in individual situations, online, in the library and in guidance and counseling, and; the provision of services to students with a disability. The terms “substitute instructional assistant,” “educational assistant,” and “substitute educational assistant” have the same meaning as “Instructional Assistant”.
- “Required Training” means any training required by the state to maintain a credential or any training required by school district policy.
- “Substitute Teacher” or “Substitute” means any staff employed by a school district, education service district, public charter school, or private third party who is employed to take the place of a probationary or contract teacher who is temporarily absent.
For questions regarding this grant, please email the
Substitute Reimbursement Grant team.