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Title IV-B Continuous Quality Improvement, Evaluation and Reporting

Continuous Quality Improvement

The Oregon 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program defines continuous improvement as a combination of data collection processes, including assessments, quality improvement protocols, and evaluation, which are systematically linked together in an ongoing review process in which recommendations drive program change and technical assistance.

21st CCLC Equity-Driven State Goals & Objectives (2023-2028)

The Oregon Department of Education has established a set of performance goals, objectives and outcomes which are aligned to the United States Department of Education’s federal required data collection and reporting for all 21st CCLC programs according to the Government Performance and Reporting Act (GPRA). These four equity-driven goals are the foundation for the 21st CCLC program’s continuous quality improvement process, overall state program evaluation, local evaluation reports, technical assistance, and professional learning support.

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Goal 1 

Equitable Programming

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Goal 2

 Academic Enrichment 

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Goal 3

 Youth Development   

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Goal 4

Family Engagement

Goal 1: Equitable Programming

21st CCLC programs provide equity-driven expanded learning opportunities that support every child with equitable access to safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning environments. 

Objectives - 21st CCLC programs:

  1. provide equitable access to inclusive and welcoming learning environments that value and reflect the diversity of the community,
  2. offer culturally responsive programming that sustains cultural knowledge and affirms students’ multifaceted identities.
  3. provide safe and accessible programs.

Goal 2: Academic Enrichment

21st CCLC programs provide expanded learning opportunities for academic enrichment that explore and build on concepts from the school day to help students meet state and local student performance standards in core academic subjects including reading / language arts, math and science.

Objectives - 21st CCLC programs:

  1. explicitly address appropriate grade level academic achievement standards and increase academic skills and knowledge of students who regularly attend the program,
  2. promote student engagement and progress toward graduating career and college ready through asset-driven, culturally responsive, rigorous, and meaningful learning opportunities.

Goal 3: Youth Development

21st CCLC programs provide a broad array of student-centered, well-rounded enrichment opportunities that spark joy, connection and curiosity to deepen learning and promote positive youth development.

Objectives - 21st CCLC programs:

  1. provide youth-centered programming that offer students regular opportunities to actively make decisions and voice their interests,
  2. provide supportive learning environments that engage students in learning, cultivate a sense of belonging and build connections,
  3. provide nurturing environments that promote youth development and support mental health and well-being for all,
  4. provide hands-on, collaborative, and integrated educational opportunities rooted in inquiry and discovery.

Goal 4: Family Engagement

21st CCLC programs engage caregivers and families at the individual and community level to co-create meaningful learning experiences and promote active engagement in students’ education.

Objectives - 21st CCLC programs:

  1. provide families with engaging and meaningful learning experiences that reflect strengths, assets and needs of the community,
  2. foster opportunities for families to be actively engaged in their students’ education,
  3. value and encourage the voices, knowledge, capacity, and experiences of all 21st CCLC families and engage families in collaborative partnerships.

Collaborative Decision Making

21st CCLC grantees must have an active governance or advisory group which may be composed of partners, students, community members and/or families who assist with planning, establish or help guide activities, and make program recommendations to drive the continuous quality improvement of the program.

External Evaluation of the 21st CCLC State Program in Oregon

For external evaluation reports prior to 2020, please email




It is a policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability in any 21st CCLC educational program, activities or employment. For more information, visit Oregon Department of Education's Anti-Discrimination Policy page.

If you have questions or need external evaluation reports prior to 2020, please email