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Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR)

What is a rule?

Oregon law defines "rule" as "any agency directive, standard, regulation or statement of general applicability that implements, interprets or prescribes law or policy, or policy, or describes the procedure or practice requirements of any agency." ORS 183.310(9). Agencies may adopt, amend, repeal or renumber rules, permanently or temporarily (up to 180 days), using the procedures outlined in the Oregon Attorney General's Administrative Law Manual.

The State Board of Education adopts rules that affect Oregon’s K-12 public schools including public charter schools and the Oregon School for the Deaf. Changes to rules are posted on the Secretary of State's Administrative Rules web page approximately 30 days after adoption.

The Oregon Secretary of State's office compiles and publishes the entire series of Oregon Administrative Rules. The rules directly related to the operation of public schools including public charter schools and the Oregon School for the Deaf are contained in Chapter 581 of that series.

The Administrative Rules Unit in the Archives Division within the Secretary of State assist agencies with the notification, filing and publication requirements of the administrative rules process. Every Administrative Rule uses the same numbering sequence of a three-digit agency chapter number followed by a three-digit division number and ending with a four-digit rule number (000-000-0000).

When an agency proposes to adopt, amend or repeal a rule, it shall give interested persons reasonable opportunity to submit data or views. Comments can be emailed.

There are a few ways interested parties can provide comment on proposed rules. First, interested parties may provide written or oral comments to the Department or directly to the State Board of Education during the board’s public comment period at the first meeting at which the rule is on the board’s agenda. Second, interested parties may provide written or oral testimony on proposed rules at a public hearing scheduled by the hearing officer. More information on public hearings for proposed rules can be found on the State Board of Education – Proposed OARs web page below.