Instructional material for purposes of Oregon law is defined as any organized system which constitutes the major instructional vehicle for a given course of study, or any part thereof. A major instructional vehicle may include such instructional items as a hardbound or a softbound book or books, or sets or kits of print and non-print materials, including electronic and internet or web-based materials or media. Basal instructional programs may be adopted by the State Board of Education. Accessible Instructional Materials are required.
Oregon Revised Statutes are created by the legislature. Oregon Administrative Rules are created by the State Board of Education as authorized by the legislature. Click a link below and scroll down to find the ORS or OAR listed.
Division 11 Textbook Adoption
Scroll down to the paragraph number you want to review, selecting from the following list:
- OAR 581-011-0050 Generally
- OAR 581-011-0052 Accessible Instructional Materials Required
- OAR 581-011-0055 Guidelines for the Selection of Instructional Materials Criteria Committees
- OAR 581-011-0060 Guidelines for Criteria Development by Committees
- OAR 581-011-0065 Approval of Criteria for Evaluation of Instructional Materials
- OAR 581-011-0066 Appointment of Committees to Evaluate Instructional Materials for State Adoption
- OAR 581-011-0067 Compensation for Evaluators of Submitted Instructional Materials
- OAR 581-011-0070 Adoption Period for Instructional Materials
- OAR 581-011-0071 Instructional Materials Adopted by the State Board of Education
- OAR 581-011-0075 Proposal (BID) Forms
- OAR 581-011-0080 Contract Forms and Authority
- OAR 581-011-0086 Substitutions of New Editions of State-Adopted Instructional Materials
- OAR 581-011-0087 Digital, Electronic, or Web-based Materials and Media
- OAR 581-011-0090 Assessment of Submission Fees
- OAR 581-011-0095 Submission of Instructional Materials
- OAR 581-011-0114 Instructional Materials Caravan
- OAR 581-011-0117 Criteria for the Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials
Division 22 Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
Scroll down to the paragraph number you want to review, selecting from the following list:
Districts annually assure that they are in compliance with and implementing Chapter 581, Division 22, of the Oregon Administrative Rules. This page provides guidance to districts for amending the assurance when necessary to include a plan for compliance with OAR 581-022-2355, Instructional Materials Adoption. Following adoption by the State Board of Education, school districts must do one of the following: (1) Select and adopt from the list (ORS 337.050 and OAR 581-022-2355), (2) Independently adopt instructional materials using the State Criteria (OAR 581-022-2350) or (3) Postpone adoption for up to two years (OAR 581-022-2360).
Chapter 326 State Administration of Elementary and Secondary Education
- ORS 326.051 Board functions; rules
Chapter 327 State Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education
- ORS 327.297 Grants for activities related to student achievement; rules
Chapter 336 Conduct of Schools Generally
Scroll down to the paragraph number you want to review, selecting from the following list:
- ORS 336.035 Required courses of study; supplemental courses, district courses; courses concerning sexually transmitted diseases
- ORS 336.082 Development of nondiscriminatory curriculum
Chapter 337 Books and Instructional Materials
Scroll down to the paragraph number you want to review, selecting from the following list:
- ORS 337.030 Annual circular to school textbook and instructional materials publishers
- ORS 337.035 Establishment of guidelines and criteria for review and selection of textbooks and instructional materials; rules
- ORS 337.050 List of textbooks and instructional materials
- ORS 337.060 Submission of proposals by publishers
- ORS 337.065 Publisher fee; rules
- ORS 337.075 Adoption or rejection of textbooks
- ORS 337.080 Report of textbook and instructional material adoptions
- ORS 337.090 Contract with publisher; terms; security; breach; remedies
- ORS 337.110 Selection of substitute or additional textbooks and instructional materials
- ORS 337.120 District School board adoption and use of approved textbooks and instructional materials
- ORS 337.141 District school board selection of textbooks and instructional materials not on list adoped by State Board of Education
- ORS 337.150 School board and charter school duty to provide textbooks
- ORS 337.260 Textbooks on American history and government
- ORS 337.275 Instructional materials on phonics
- ORS 337.300 Animal dissection; refusal by student; alternatives; notification
Chapter 338 Public Charter Schools
- ORS 338.115 Applicability of laws; restrictions; powers; student diplomas, certificates and endorsements
For questions regarding the ODE Instructional Materials, email