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Professional Development

Educators can use the resources on this page to support local assessment-related professional development efforts. The materials are arranged in the following manner: at the top of the page, resources that are general that can be used to support implementation of balanced assessments systems, including:

  1. formative assessment practices,
  2. implementing and interpreting interim/benchmark assessments, and
  3. using summative assessment results are provided using those labels;

and, below those resources, you will find additional resources that are specific to a construct that is being measured, such as reading, writing, math, science, social sciences, or English language proficiency.

Using OSAS Results

ODE has partnered with Southern Oregon ESD to create an on-demand asynchronous professional learning course to help district leaders, school administrators, and teachers use their OSAS results effectively. The course, Effectively Using OSAS Results, consists of five one-hour modules delivered through Canvas. The course is available now at no cost to Oregon educators. Details and registration can be found here​.
Participants will gain a greater understanding of the following key concepts: 

  • Understanding OSAS test design is key to understanding how to use OSAS test results. 
  • Student performance across assessment targets, not overall proficiency rates, provides the most helpful data for use in continuous improvement. 
  • Trends in target results can inform curriculum planning, instructional pacing, and professional learning. 
  • Connections can be made between assessment targets and standards that can help educators implement powerful formative assessment practices in the classroom.

​Overall OSAS performance data are too high-level to be actionable. Analyzing trends in target data, available for OSAS ELA, Math, and Science tests, allow districts and schools to meaningfully evaluate the strengths and opportunities for growth within their systems of teaching and learning.

Formative Assessment

Performance Assessment

  • Local Performance Assessment Requirement

    Description of the local performance assessment requirement with resources for Official State Scoring Guide use.

  • Performance Assessment Resource Bank

    Online bank of performance assessments and resources. Anyone in Oregon may sign up for an account in the Performance Assessment Resource Bank. Performance assessment grantees will be required to implement performance assessments from this bank.

Building Educator Assessment Literacy (BEAL)

The BEAL project focuses on the role of performance assessment in a balanced assessment system. Participants will collaboratively score student work from a Smarter Balanced performance task and reflect on how to respond to evidence of student learning generated by this task in ways that move student learning forward.

Explains the Performance Assessment Demonstration Sites (PADS) project and includes participating schools and description of professional learning experiences.
  • ​Coos Bay SD 9, Millicoma Intermediate School
  • Pilot Rock SD 2, Pilot Rock High School
  • Portland SD 1J, Metropolitan Learning Center
  • Salem-Keizer SD 24J, North Salem High School
  • South Lane SD 45J3, Bohemia Elementary School
  • Springfield SD 19, Thurston High School
  • Yamhill-Carlton SD 1, Yamhill-Carlton Intermediate School

Feedback from 2014-15 Task Administration
Feedback from fifteen Oregon teachers who implemented performance assessments in 2014-15.​

Interim Assessment

  • ELA and Math Interim Administration Guide (Updated 09/23/24):
    This Interim Assessment Guide for Administration is intended for staff who play a role in the administration of, and review of results for, the ELA and Mathematics interim assessments.

  • Science Quick Guide to Administering Interim Assessments (Updated 09/17/24): This document provides information for administering the OSAS Science Interim Assessment including: Assessment Viewing Application, Secure Browser, TA Interface, and Centralized Reporting System.

  • Remote Administration of Interim Assessments (Updated 1/16/24): This document describes how test administrators (TAs) can remotely administer the interim assessment and how students may access and participate in an interim assessment.

ELA and Math Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) focus on smaller sets of related concepts and provide more detailed information for instructional purposes.

ELA and Math Focused IABs that assess no more than three assessment targets to provide educators with a finer grained understanding of student learning.
Science Interim Assessment Tests feature two types of item designs: clusters and standalone items aligned with the  Oregon Science Standards (NGSS). These items are organized into Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) and Focused Interim Assessment Blocks (FIABs). For more details on science interim assessment items, please see Understanding Science Interim Assessment.

ODE has partnered with Southern Oregon ESD to create an on-demand asynchronous professional learning course to help teachers, school administrators, and district leaders learn how to implement the OSAS Interim Assessments. The course, Implementing the OSAS Interim Assessments​, consists of five one-hour modules delivered through Canvas. The course is available at no cost to Oregon educators.

Participants will gain a greater understanding of the following key concepts: 

  • Understand Oregon's Statewide Assessment System, including interim assessments and formative assessment practices
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how to assess the complexity of Oregon’s Academic Content Standards
  • Select appropriate interim assessment blocks (IABs) to administer to students in alignment with curriculum goals
  • Access data to identify instructional strengths and areas where additional support is needed to maximize student learning
  • Build and sustain appropriate uses of the OSAS Interim Assessments within created or existing curriculum maps and pacing guides
The course is available now at no cost to Oregon educators. More information can be found in this informational flier, which may be used to promote the course in your district. Register using the link above.

Mathematical Essential Skills Work Samples

​Workshop Materials for Mathematics Scoring Guide and Work Sample Development -- materials for facilitators to use in leading local trainings or for individual use (Professional Development)


An overarching goal of the Student-Centered Assessment Project is to provide resources to support high-quality local assessment practices that can be freely used by any educator. Resources developed through this project can be freely shared, including a royalty-free license to use, reproduce, and distribute copies.

Creative Commons License 

Unless otherwise noted, this work is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.