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Assessment and Accountability Update

March 6, 2025


On-Demand Course: Implementing the OSAS Interim Assessments

Did you know that over 70 Oregon districts have implemented at least one interim assessment in Science, ELA, or Math? The OSAS Interim Assessments are small, right-sized tests used formatively throughout the teaching and learning process to provide evidence of student learning within a unit of instruction.

ODE has partnered with Southern Oregon ESD to create an on-demand asynchronous professional learning course to help teachers, school administrators, and district leaders learn how to implement the OSAS Interim Assessments. The course, Implementing the OSAS Interim Assessments, consists of five one-hour modules delivered through Canvas.

Participants will gain a greater understanding of the following key concepts:

  • Understand Oregon's Statewide Assessment System, including interim assessments and formative assessment practices
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how to assess the complexity of Oregon’s Academic Content Standards
  • Select appropriate interim assessment blocks (IABs) to administer to students in alignment with curriculum goals
  • Access data to identify instructional strengths and areas where additional support is needed to maximize student learning
  • Build and sustain appropriate uses of the OSAS Interim Assessments within created or existing curriculum maps and pacing guides

The course is available now at no cost to Oregon educators. More information can be found in this flier, which may be used to promote the course in your district. Register using the link above.

Please contact ODE Assessment Team with any questions.

DTC Webinar Series

ODE presents the monthly DTC Webinar on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 10:00-11:00 AM. To attend, please register for each webinar using this Zoom link. By registering, you will be given the option to add the appointment to your calendar. If you have questions you’d like answered during the webinar’s Q&A session, please submit through this Smartsheet form or contact Crys Plattner, Assessment Administrative Support.

March Reporting System Webinar

The final live Centralized Reporting System (CRS) Webinar will take place on Tuesday, March 18 at 9:00 AM. Please register at this Zoom link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This webinar will focus on Summative Test Results. A recording of the webinar will be available on the OSAS Portal after the session. If you have questions, please contact Crys Plattner, Assessment Administrative Support.


2024-25 OSAS Statewide Summative Test Spring Window

The 2024-25 Oregon Assessment Administration Schedule details the opening and closing of test windows, some of which occur in March and April.

The test window for the statewide summative content assessments applies to all versions of the tests: online General (in-person and remote) and Alternate (Oregon Extended; in-person only).

  • The statewide administration window for the OSAS Science Tests in grades 5 and 8 is open as of March 4, 2025.
  • The statewide administration window for the remote English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Summative Test is open as of March 4, 2025.
    • The statewide administration window for the Future K ELPA Screener is open as of March 3, 2025.
  • The statewide administration window for the OSAS English Language Arts (ELA) and Math Tests in grades 3 - 8 opens on April 1, 2025.

As a reminder, prior to beginning a test session, verify that appropriate student accommodations and supports have been accurately set in TIDE. See the Oregon Accessibility Manual for more information about accommodations and supports.

Please contact your District Testing Coordinator or Regional ESD Partner with any questions regarding test administration.

SEED Survey Data Use Professional Learning Series, March 7, 2025

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is offering a monthly drop-in professional learning series that is designed to support Oregon school districts to effectively use and interpret data from the Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) survey. The monthly sessions are designed for people who will be working directly with SEED data and data products. However, anyone who is interested is welcome to attend the sessions. Each session will begin with a brief presentation by ODE on a data use topic. The topic for March is Access to Learning Resources: A Deep Dive. Please bring an Excel file of your district's data with you (if you have access to it). Consult the series flyer to learn more or register for sessions. Contact Audrey Lingley, Education Specialist, with questions or concerns.


ELPA Summative and Alt ELPA Batch 1 Scores

English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) scores from January 2025 (Batch 1) will be available in the Assessment Record Updating Application (ARUA) on the ODE secure district website and also in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) on the OSAS Portal as of Monday, March 17.

Test scores for students participating in Honoring Student Proficiency on the HS ELPA Summative will be finalized as of Monday, March 17. As a reminder, this means that a high school student’s Proficient performance on one or more domains from a prior year will be inserted into this year’s test, and the scores for all four non-exempted domains will be recalculated using that Proficient performance. Please note that scores appearing in the Centralized Reporting System (accessed through the state portal) are unofficial and will not update with final scores due to carried domains. Decisions about retaining or exiting English learner status should be made based on finalized score reports found in official ODE data applications such as AWE and Secure Assessment Reports.

District Test Coordinators may download or review records in the ARUA to edit accommodation or administration codes (see the Test Administration Manual, Appendix C). If you have questions or need assistance with your assessment data, please contact your Regional ESD Partner.

OSAS Science Summative Results Available (REPEAT)

Scores for Science Summative test records are available in the Assessment Record Updating Application (ARUA), the Accountability Warehouse Extract (AWE), and the Secure Assessment Reports 2.0 (SAR) application as of Thursday, February 6, 2025. Please note that there is a one-day lag for changes to test records in the ARUA (district edits or newly loaded records) to be available in the AWE and SAR applications.

Science Summative test records will typically be available in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) on the OSAS Portal within one day of test completion and in the ARUA within two business days of test completion.

Please contact your Regional ESD Partner for more information or for assistance accessing assessment records.