State Board of
Education Meetings
Written public comment is encouraged via email or mail to: State Board of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97310. Physical and virtual opportunities for direct public comment may be offered for certain meetings. Information will be included in each meeting’s public notice, traditionally sent one week in advance of the meeting.
Direct public comment is by advanced registration only.
Click here to subscribe to State Board of Education notices and updates.
The board appreciates your patience as we explore additional ways to engage with the public, and as we update our policies accordingly.
Annual Calendar
The State Board of Education is required to meet at least six times per year and approves an annual calendar at their June meetings. The Board’s noticed meetings for the 2024-25 cycle can be found on this page. The Board may also meet at the call of the Chair or a majority of Board members.
2024-25 State Board of Education Meeting Calendar: Board retreat August 8 and August 9. Board meetings: September 19, October 17, December 5, January 16, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 15, June 12
Public Comment at Board Meetings
The public comment process allows members of the public to provide testimony on items before the Board, or to raise issues to the attention of the Board and Agency Director. It allows the Board an opportunity to actively listen to and reflect on public feedback, and the Board may ask staff to respond to public comments or questions raised during the public comment period after the meeting. It does not allow an opportunity for dialogue between the speaker, Board or Director during the meeting, nor does it replace existing complaints processes. Speakers may offer objective criticism of state operations and programs, but the board, since it has no supervisory authority, will not hear complaints concerning individual personnel.
Members of the public are encouraged to submit written comments or testimony in advance to, or by mail to the State Board of Education, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97310. Please note that submitting comment prior to the meeting allows the Board more time to review and consider.
- Clearly label the subject line as: “Public comment:” followed by the agenda item referred to. Agenda items can be found on
- All written public comment will be posted to
- In order to avoid opening up the public comment period, the Board will not entertain testimony on a proposed rule after the public comment period has closed on the agenda.
- Public comments or testimony submitted the morning of the Board meeting will be posted to Boardbook within 48 business hours.
Physical and virtual opportunities for direct public comment may be offered for certain meetings. Information will be included in each meeting’s public notice, traditionally sent one week in advance of the meeting. Direct public comment is by advanced registration only.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held in the board rooms on the Second Floor of the Oregon Department of Education building:
255 Capitol St NE, Salem, OR. Please check-in with the Oregon Department of Education's front desk on the fourth floor prior to attending the meeting.
The Board sincerely appreciates your input, and thanks you for your cooperation. For additional information on public comment opportunities, please
subscribe to State Board of Education notices and updates, and see the specifics listed in that meeting's public notice.