EIIS Goal Areas and Examples
As districts and schools implement and enhance EIIS through this investment, ODE encourages recipients to align EIIS goals with Student Investment Account Plan, High School Success Goals, and District Continuous Improvement Plan. ODE encourages districts to plan for your EIIS to support the data analysis and teaming processes included in your plans for the ODE investments listed above. Your EIIS is not a separate or siloed system, but rather a high-leverage tool to assist in implementing the comprehensive vision for equity and excellence for all Oregon students.
Goal Areas for EIIS 2021-23:
- Development and enhancement of the Early Indicator and Intervention System at both the school and district levels.
- School and District program innovation and instructional improvement to benefit students identified through EIIS.
- Student engagement, learning, and achievement that contributes to increased on-time graduation for students identified by the EIIS.
- Student, family, community-based organization, and tribe engagement and participation in the school or district EIIS.
Goal 1 Examples
Development and enhancement of the Early Indicator and Intervention System at both the school and district levels.
- This school year, at the high school level the 9th grade teacher collaboration teams (HSS) will include EIIS as a basis for providing support to ensure all students complete 9th grade on track to graduate.
- Build capacity for strong, embedded EIIS at the elementary level through school-wide teacher training in data analysis and teaming protocols, as well as weekly coaching from EIIS Coach (Intensive Coaching).
- All Principals and EIIS team leaders in our district will participate in training in data analysis and use of the software system.
- All schools in the district will have an operational Student Support Team to review EIIS data and student progress weekly.
- The District EIIS Team, composed of representatives from all schools, Student Services, and Asst. Superintendent, meets monthly to review school student learning data to identify positive trends and areas needing attention, evaluate success of MTSS in schools, monitor implementation fidelity, promote school program innovation and instructional improvement efforts, report on family, CBO and tribal engagement in planning and support activities, and to allocate resources to schools in order to increase opportunities for supports at all levels of the MTSS.
Goal 2 Examples
School and District program innovation and instructional improvement to benefit students identified through EIIS.
- Our high school will create learning opportunities (new courses, CTE programs, topics of study) reflecting student interest as collected through focus groups and surveys.
- Our elementary schools will develop and utilize strengths-based observation and assessment practices within school-based students support teams and Special Education pre-referral process.
- Create Community-based Family Liaison position(s) in all communities in our district, provide continuity of partnership and support with families identified through EIIS and eliminate the possibility that a family is disconnected from the school.
- All schools in the district will create a Resources & Practices Map describing current systems of support, instructional practices, and learning acceleration opportunities.
- All schools will evaluate effectiveness of all elements of the Resources and Practices Map, as well as alignment with the district equity plan.
- Our school will diversify elements included in the Resources & Practices Map to reflect input from students and families identified by EIIS.
Goal 3 Examples
Student engagement, learning, and achievement that contributes to increased on-time graduation for students identified by the EIIS.
- Students identified by EIIS in elementary grades are on track to graduate by the end of 9th grade, measured by credits earned at the end of the 9th grade year.
- Students identified by EIIS in elementary grades will be appropriately represented in high school CTE and advanced coursework, as measured by analysis of course enrollment roster.
- Students identified by EIIS in elementary grades will be appropriately represented in student leadership and co-curricular activities, as measured by analysis of rosters.
- Students identified by EIIS report strong connections to school and can identify at least one adult that they have a trusting relationship with in their school, as measured by yearly Social-Emotional survey.
Goal 4 Examples
Student, family, community-based organization, and tribe engagement and participation in the school or district EIIS.
- Increase family participation in family partnership meetings and conferences by families of students identified by EIIS.
- Enhance opportunities for family involvement in our school as informed by family responses to a school climate survey.
- Develop partnership with local tribes to align opportunities for enrichment and share resources for supporting families.
- Initiate an EIIS Family and Community Advisory Team, the composition of which reflects the demographics of the school and district community.