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Student Participation

Beginning no later then the development of the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16, the student must be invited to all IEP meetings where transition will be discussed. The IEP Team must actively involve the student in developing his/her IEP. If the student does not attend, other steps are taken to ensure that his/her strengths, preferences and interests are considered as part of the IEP development. These strengths, interests and preferences will describe what the student wants to do when he/she has completed school (e.g., further education, employment, military, etc.), how they want to live (e.g., independent living, apartment, group home, etc.), and how they want to take part in the community (e.g., transportation, recreation, etc.) after high school.

Student PINS (Preferences, Interests, Needs, and Strengths) - These PINS describe what the student wants to do upon completion of school.