2016-2021 State Personnel Development Grant
Application Information
2016-2021 SPDG Background Information
The United States Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) awarded the Oregon Department of Education a State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) in 2016. This grant focuses on creating a sustainable, tiered system of support in schools and districts statewide. An expected outcome of tiered support systems is an increase in an organization’s capacity to improve student outcomes through equitable and inclusive practices, with an emphasis on protected classes and historically underserved and marginalized students.
How does participation in the SPDG support districts in creating and sustaining tiered systems of support?
- ODE supports a partnership with districts in order to establish and sustain a multi-tiered system of support, the Oregon Integrated Systems (ORIS) Framework.
- Districts use funds to support implementation activities such as coaching, travel to professional development, release time for building staff.
- Ongoing coach professional learning opportunities position ODE’s continuous improvement process as the roadmap for district and school activities.
- Regional coaches and state-supported liaisons actively support alignment of multiple initiatives within districts and schools through two-way communication with district (LEA) coaches.
- Districts work within implementation teams to oversee implementation of the district’s customization of a multi-tiered system of supports.
Cascade of Coaching Supports
District (LEA) systems coaches receive support from a regional coach and state liaison partner through a coherent system of professional development, technical assistance,
and embedded coaching.
Regional hubs allocate funds to support a regional coach, partnered with
three to five participating districts. Regional coaches collaborate with LEA
coaches and district leadership teams to support activities aligned with
Oregon’s Continuous Improvement Process.
ODE and State Partners, State Liaison. Then Regional Hub, Regional Coach. Then LEA 1 LEA Coach LEA 2 LEA Coach LEA 3 LEA Coach, all 2017 - 2018. Then LEA 4 LEA Coach 2018 - 2019. Finally LEA 5 LEA Coach 2019 - 2020.
Coaching Connections Newsletters
Professional Learning and Implementation Updates from ODE to Regional and Lea Coaches
- ODE selected 6 ESDs to lead regional support efforts in August 2017.
- Selected ESDs partnered and committed to serving any accepted LEA, regardless of geographic region.
- ODE accepted 18 LEAs in December 2017.
- ODE will accept 6 LEAs in 2018 and 6 LEAs in 2019.
- All participating districts and ESDs receive funds and participate in related activities through 2021.
2016-2021 State Personnel Development Grant Regions. State of Oregon map. A. Multnomah ESD B. Willamette ESD C. Lane ESD D. Southern Oregon ESD E. High Desert ESD F. Columbia Gorge ESD
Oregon Integrated Systems Framework
The ORIS Framework is an MTSS framework that aims to de-silo improvement efforts at cascading levels of Oregon’s educational system. It is a comprehensive, all-encompassing framework that aligns systems to create more equitable opportunities for all students, with an emphasis on those who have been historically and/or currently underserved or marginalized. The ORIS Framework is highly adaptable to the unique contexts of Oregon’s schools and districts, grounded in implementation and improvement science, multi-tiered delivery systems and is based on equity principles.
The domains of this framework include:
- Leadership
- Talent Development
- Stakeholder Engagement and Partnerships
- Inclusive Policy and Practice
- Well-Rounded, Coordinated Learning Principles
These domains represent the evidence-based systems that districts and schools need to ensure are strong in order to achieve desired outcomes for their educational communities.
Educators practicing in Oregon districts and higher education partners collaborated with Agency staff in reviewing research in development of the ORIS Framework and supporting tools.
Supporting Continuous Improvement
During the 2018-2019 school year, the Oregon Integrated Systems (ORIS) Framework aligned Continuous Improvement Processes rolled out across the state as key components to achieving the goals of ESSA.
A continuous improvement process is the process by which districts and schools:
- Set the direction and vision
- The Determine what is working and what needs to change;
- Establish a process to engage stakeholders to effect change;
- Leverage effective practices to implement a plan;
- Use data to monitor and make timely adjustments to improve outcomes.
The continuous improvement process supports teams to implement an ambitious, priorty-driven strategic plan. Regional and LEA coaches support building and district leadership teams in comtinuous improvement process activities.
More about continuous improvement.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process
A needs assessment is a systematic process that is used to identify strengths and weaknesses within the context and constraints of the organization and dig deeper into root causes (Corbett & Redding,2017). The needs assessment goes beyond student data to include data on the prevalence of effective practices. It includes a thorough examination of practices, processes, and routines. A needs assessment is not an event. More information about conducting a comprehensive needs assessment process.
ORIS Systems Health Needs Assessment Tool
This tool aligns to the ORIS Framework and can assist schools and districts in identifying areas of systems strengths and opportunities for growth as a part of a comprehensive needs assessment process.
Related Links
Contact Information
Jennifer Eklund-Smith
Coherent Strategies/SPDG Specialist
Email: Jennifer Eklund-Smith
Sarah Soltz, D.Ed.
Coherent Strategies Specialist
Email: Sarah Soltz