Application Opportunity to Leverage State Personnel Development Grant Funds in Support of ESSA Cohort 3 Application Period Open April 1, 2019 - May 10,2019
The State Personnel Development Grant provides funds to districts to support implementation of evidence-based practices within a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), the Oregon Integrated Systems (ORIS) Framework. Selected districts receive funds to support implementation of the framework, utilizing a district-identified coach that works with up to four schools.
Grant Activities
The initial focus of the grant is to lay the groundwork for successful implementation of a focused, priority driven strategic plan. After an initial orientation, districts engage in a comprehensive needs assessment process that is part of the continuous improvement process outlined in executive memo 007-2017-18. As a part of this needs assessment process, schools receiving SPDG supports annually evaluate school system health using the Oregon Integrated Systems Framework (ORIS) Needs assessment Tool. This work culminates in the creation school and district aligned strategic plans. Grant activities including strategic planning will also meet Agency expectations for districts identified under ESSA accountability supports for Title 1 school plans. When planning is complete, attention turns to implementation with the support of the LEA and regional coach.
School and district continuous improvement process. Set the direction/vision. assess needs. create strategic plan. implement strategic plan. monitor and adjust.
Throughout the grant, districts will select and maintain a coach that will receive ongoing, in-person professional development in best practices for implementation and coaching, as well as online, strand-specific content around topics such as behavior, literacy, chronic absenteeism, etc. Technical assistance will be job embedded through partnership with regional and state level supports.
Grant Funds
Funds support district coaching activities related to implementing a multi-tiered system of supports (ORIS.)
- Grant funding (.2FTE) through 2021.
- High-quality professional learning for coaches.
- LEA coaches will be supported by ESDs through partnership with a regional MTSS (ORIS) coach.
- State liaisons provide technical assistance and supports.
- Grant activities aligned to Oregon’s district and school continuous improvement process.
- 2019-2020 School Year: $19,859
- 2020-2021 School Year: $20,261
Eligible Participants
- Districts seeking to implement or refine evidence-based practices within a multi-tiered system of support
- Districts committed to supporting implementation/instructional coaching at elementary or middle schools
- Districts willing to engage in ongoing partnership with regional level MTSS (ORIS) coach to support implementation activities
Application Process
Five Steps to Apply
- Watch the webinar.
- District Superintendent signs the letter of intent to apply and returns to Jennifer Eklund-Smith at Email: Jennifer Eklund-Smith via ODE secure file transfer by April 26, 2019 3:00 PM.
- Convene a team and complete the application packet, available below.
- Return the application packet via secure file transfer to Jennifer Eklund-Smith at Email:Jennifer Eklund-Smith by May 10, 2019 3:00PM.
- Applicant will receive a receipt of application from both the secure file transfer process and from Jennifer.
Application Timeline
Week of April 1 Application abailable. April 11 and April 22 Webinars. April 26 3:00 PM Letter of Intent Due. May 10 3:00 PM Application Due. May 13-31 Application review and Clarification. Week of June 3 Applicant Notification. September 2019 Engagement Begins.
Required Webinar Viewing Information
- SPDG Cohort 3 Informational Webinar
Thu, Apr 11, 2019 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM PDT
- SPDG Cohort 3 Informational Webinar #2
Mon, Apr 22, 2019 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT
- SPDG Cohort 3 Application Webinar Opportunity #3
Watch recorded webinar at ORSPDG data after April 11. Please enter your name and district when prompted.
For Application Questions, Contact: