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Child Outcomes

The three child outcomes, assessed by early intervention and early childhood special education systems, focus on important skills and behaviors that help children take part in everyday routines. These outcomes cover multiple areas of development, reflecting the way children grow, learn, and succeed in a holistic way. They offer a clear way to describe and measure children’s functional skills and behaviors across different environments and situations.

Oregon uses a single tool to measure entry and exit ratings, by identifying item level data from the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) for Infants and Children. These data are part of the annual review process for every eligible child, birth to five that receives Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education (EI/ECSE) services.

This downloadable infographic from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center outlines six key "skill bundles" for each outcome, which are used throughout the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process.

ODE Resources: