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Options for Awarding Credit

Course credit may be awarded when the student has met defined levels of proficiency or mastery on the essential learnings. 

Approved Sources of Evidence for Awarding Credit 

Following is a list of approved sources of evidence for awarding credit and educators may combine evidence from multiple sources. 

  1. Evidence Generated in Courses: Evidence of student learning collected through courses, with assessment practices integrated with teaching and learning and the teacher making judgements by drawing from multiple sources, such as: 
    • Student work produced in response to lessons and other teacher-organized resources. 
    • Teacher-student contacts (e.g., written/conferences/calls). 
    • Class sessions. 
  2. Stand-Alone Assessments: Evidence of student learning from summative assessments. 
    • Educators provide students with summative assessments designed for the purpose of certifying the student has met the defined level of proficiency of the essential learnings. 
  3. Collections of Evidence: Evidence of student learning from a student-created collections of evidence, scored against rubric(s). 
  4. Prior Mastery: Evidence of student learning provided through documentation of prior mastery (e.g., certification of training, letters, diplomas, awards, etc.). 
The options for awarding credit are established in OAR 581-022-2025

Overarching Resources 

Recommendations for Supporting Students with Incompletes
Information on supporting students who have incompletes in classes taken during the 20/21 school year. 

Access to Linguistic Inclusion
Guidance and resources can be found in the Access to Linguistic Inclusion expandable on the English Language Arts page

Applied Academic Credit
Explanation of Applied Academic Credit, including examples and steps for implementing. 

Resources for (1) Evidence Generated in Courses and (2) Stand-Alone Assessments 

Assessment Accessibility Supports
Examples of assessment accessibility supports. 

Performance Assessment
Information about performance assessments. 

Information about project based learning. 

Resources for (3) Collections of Evidence 

Collections of Evidence
Information about collections of evidence and portfolios. 

Resources for (4) Prior Mastery/Prior Learning 

Credit for Prior Mastery/Prior Learning
Information about credit for prior mastery/prior learning.

Additional Resources

These resources can be helpful in assisting educators with evaluation and development of performance assessment for quality and alignment.


  • English Language Arts
    • Reading Scoring Guides:
    • Speaking Scoring Guides:
      • HS Offi​​​cial Scoring Guide: Speaking ​English
    • Writing Scoring Guides:
      • HS Official Scoring Gui​de: Narrative ​English​, Spanish
      • HS Official ​Scoring Guide: Informative/Argumentative​ ​English, Spanish
  • Mathematics
    • Mathematics Problem Solving Scoring Guides:
  • Science
    • Science Inquiry Scoring Guide
    • Science Engineering Scoring Guide
  • Social Sciences
    • Social Science Analysis Scoring Guides


For further information, please contact Kristidel McGregor.