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Planning for the 2022-23 School Year

Thank you for visiting the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework page for the 2022-23 academic year. As you prepare your schools for the 2023-24 academic year, we are hoping you visit the Communicable Disease Planning page below, which will provide resources specific to the 2023-24 academic year, as well as archived resources from previous years. Thank you for visiting our page and for all that you are doing to keep our students learning in person.

This page has been archived. Please visit the Communicable Disease Planning page for information relating to the 2023-24 academic year.

Layered health and safety measures like getting vaccinated, wearing face coverings and improved airflow and circulation can keep Oregon school doors open through the challenges of winter. 

Image: Illustrated graphic of a student wearing a face covering sitting in a desk at school. The student is protected from the COVID-19 virus because of the 11 health and safety layers Oregon schools are using. The more health and safety layers in place, the better protected students will be from COVID-19 transmission. Reading in order of appearance of the graphic, these layers include: training and education; cleaning and disinfection; hand washing; physical distancing; cohorting; airflow and circulation; COVID-19 testing; symptom screening; isolation; face coverings; and COVID-19 vaccinations.

For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print, or braille. Contact the Health Information Center at 1-971-673-2411, 711 TTY or

Your local school district

Local school districts are in charge of setting health and safety rules. This page will continue to be updated as districts submit plans to ODE. Find information on your school’s plan by finding your local school district below: