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Table of Contents
The purpose of the African American/Black Student Success (AABSS) Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations, community feedback, guidance, and updates to the Oregon Department of Education for the purposes of fulfilling the intent and impact of the Oregon African American/Black Student Success Plan.
- Develop and update the African American/Black Student Success Plan each biennium;
- Review the design and impact of the African American/Black Student Success Plan on intended outcomes annually; and
- Provide relevant feedback and community information/insight specific to the success of African American/Black Students across the P-20 education continuum.
More specifically, the African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee is tasked with successfully:
- Updating the African American/Black Student Success Plan in working groups specific to grade clusters that also represent expertise or personal/professional experience
- Advising the implementation of the African American/Black Student Success Plan, inclusionary of community input (e.g., support, concern, and/or other pertinent information)
- Reviewing the design, implementation, evaluation, and presentation of grantee plans (including programs, projects, and/or services provided) in context of the intent and impact of HB 2016Be informed of and provide feedback on the research developed concerning the wellbeing of African American/Black Students in the State of Oregon
- Providing feedback on legislative presentation of the African American/Black Student Success Plan
The AABSS Advisory Committee will consist of no more than 25 members appointed by the Director of the Oregon Department of Education (ODE).
To ensure representation in membership, each Committee Member must represent one or more of the following requirements:
- Members from each region of Oregon per the 2017-2019 regional breakdown
- Early Learning Division and/or Early Childhood Educators
- Juvenile Justice
- K-12 Schools and Districts
- Higher Education Coordinating Commission
- Culturally Specific Community Based Organizations that work with African/American Black Students and/or Families
- Students, Families and Caregivers
- Oregon Department of Education
Note: Membership on the Advisory Committee shall not include current grantees; current grantees will be a part of a sub-committee that will provide community feedback on program effectiveness and model efficacy for similar regions and districts.
- African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee members will be recruited through various methods of community outreach implemented by current Advisory Group Members and Oregon Department of Education
- Every effort will be made to ensure that the composition of the AABSS Advisory Committee reflects the diversity and representation of our students, families, and community stakeholders.
- African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee members will complete an application for membership when their respective appointments conclude.
Selection Criteriaa
The Board of Directors will select applicants based on one or more of the following criteria:
- Connection to, relationship with, and advocacy for specific communities.
- Professional background or community leadership in engaging educational equity.
- Representation of diverse identities (e.g. race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, etc.).
- Knowledge of how to impact institutional change in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- Understanding of accountability through assessment that points to positive measurable outcomes.
- Expertise across multiple dimensions of diversity.
Selection Process
- Applications will be reviewed with attention to representation requirements and selection criteria as outlined above.
- African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee Members will be appointed by the Director of ODE
Terms of Service & Appointment
- Once approved, African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee members will be chosen from a lottery for either a 2-year or 3-year tenure. The Director of ODE will inform the appointed African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee members of their tenure.
- Once tenure concludes these Advisory Committee members must wait one calendar year before applying for reappointment. Across the lifetime of the Advisory Committee, members can only serve four terms.
Resignation/Rescinding of Membership
- If an Advisory Group member fails to attend at least 75% of the African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee meetings, their tenure will conclude the next year. They are allowed to suggest a member to serve in their place, but any suggested member(s) must be approved and appointed by the Director of ODE for the rest of their term
- If an African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee member does not provide a suggestion for someone to serve in their place, EDI will select a replacement from the pool of applicants. Any replacements must approved and appointed by the Director of ODE for the rest of their term.
- If a member wants to resign from the advisory group, they must do so in a resignation letter than should be sumitted to the Assistant Superintendent of EDI. ODE will then review previous applications, approve and appoint a new African American/Black Student Success member either in the current year or the following year for the remaining tenure of the resignee.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Coordinate with the Office of EDI to provide feedback of the final agenda for each bi-monthly meetings
- Facilitate the proceedings of the bi-monthly meetings in collaboration with the Office of EDI Staff
- Coordinate and collaborate with African American/Black Student Success Advisory Sub-Committee Members
- Facilitate decision making efforts for ODE requested recommendations with the Advisory Committee when necessary
- To coordinate advisory group members as needed
- Collaborate with and provide support for the Vice Chair in their Associated Duties
- Take on the Duties of the Chair in their absence
Committee Members
- Attend at least 75% of the bi-monthly meetings, in person, online, or by telephone/conference call
- Receive updates and associated progress of the African American/Black Student Success Plan by the Office of EDI in ODE
- Review, revise, and update the African American/Black Student Success Plan each biennium
- Provide feedback and advisement on the implementation of the plan from the greater African American/Black community
- Provide feedback on shared information of grantee and grant progress
- Engage, inquire about, and share feedback concerning the presentations of the grantee specific work each year
- Serve in applicable African American/Black Student Success Advisory Sub-Committee meetings quarterly
Sub-Committee Members
- Volunteer or participate via appointment on any formal or ad-hoc sub-committee deemed necessary by the Committee Chair to further the purpose and expected outcomes of the AABSS Advisory Committee
- Attend sub-committee meetings regularly; Committee Chair will either facilitate, or appoint another Committee Member to facilitate the coordination of a mutual time and place to meet on any associated work deemed a responsibility. Assistance in coordinating additional meetings or other contributions will be provided by ODE.
- Review, revise, and/or update associated materials or other resources pertinent to the articulated sub-committee need
Committee & Sub-Committee Responsibilities
- Beginning in September of each fiscal year, African American/Black Student Success Advisory Committee members will meet bi-monthly
- By March of each biennium, the plan will be reviewed to determine if revisions are necessary
- By June of each biennium the Plan will be fully updated and revised through working groups within the African American/Black Student Success Plan
- Each Biennium Subcommittees will be asked if they wish to attend any legislative presentation pertaining to the African American/Black Student Success Plan
- Sub-committees will attend to any formal or ad-hoc needs articulated in Advisory Group Committee Meetings and/or as recommended and requested by the Committee Chair
- Sub-committees will report back to the full Advisory Committee at a mutually agreed time any findings, outstanding questions, progress, information, and/or recommendations associated with the specific work requested
- Sub-committees will draft an action plan and associated timelines for any ongoing work directly supporting the intent and purpose of the AABSS Advisory Committee
For questions, contact Bryce Coefield, African American/Black Student Success Plan Coordinator.