Standards for Professional Practice
The state adopted Model Core Teaching Standards and Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards define what teachers and administrators should know and be able to do to ensure that every student is ready for college, careers and engaged citizenship in today’s world. Districts are required to build their evaluation and support systems using these adopted standards.
The state has identified what constitutes both an effective teacher and an effective leader in the state ratified SB 290 and the adopted Educator Effectiveness Framework. The Oregon Model Core Teaching Standards (InTASC) articulate teacher performances, essential knowledge, and critical dispositions for each of the 10 standards.
The Oregon Leadership/Administrator standards (based on ISLLC/ELCC) articulate administrator performance expectations for each of the 6 standards. Essential knowledge and critical dispositions associated with each standard can be found in the CCSSO/ISLLC standards companion guide, Performance Expectations and Indicators for Education Leaders.
Both the Model Core Teaching Standards and Educational Leadership standards build on national standards, are research based, utilize best practices, and were developed with a wide variety of stakeholders over the course of several years. Districts are required to build their evaluation and support systems using these adopted standards.