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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Many thanks to the solar contractors who are helping make our program successful!​​

Please see our program homepage for remaining program budget. Our pages for homeowners and for low-income service providers​ provide additional information on individual rebate amounts and other details about the program.

Note: contractors must submit a reservation application before starting construction or installation of a solar system or paired solar and storage system in order to be eligible for a rebate .

How Do I Become an Approved Contractor?

Interested contractors can sign up through ODOE's customer service portal. First-time users must begin by clicking on "register" to create an account. You may then sign in to complete the requested information. ODOE staff will follow up to confirm successful enrollment in the program.

How Do I Reserve Rebates for My Customers?

Contractors will use PowerClerk  to reserve rebates and complete the application process. ODOE has developed an online user guide for contractors to use the PowerClerk system. Please contact the Solar + Storage Rebate Team if you have questions. 

How Do I Receive a Rebate Payment?

We work with the Department of Administrative Services to send out contractor rebates. The payment process typically takes two weeks. The State of Oregon requires a W-9 on file prior to issuing a payment. Please make sure your mailing address and business name are current on the form.

We encourage all contractors to sign up for electric payments. Doing so will allow you to receive your payments faster and is less expense for the state. You can sign up for electronic payments here: State of Oregon: Accounting system - ACH - vendor/direct deposit. Please be aware that the Oregon Department of Revenue monitors payments made by state agencies and can place holds on payments if the payee owes certain types of obligations to the State of Oregon.​

What Else Should I Know? 

We appreciate your involvement as an approved contractor with the Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program. Please familiarize yourself with the program to provide the best service to your customers.

We have a handy Frequently Asked Questions document with additional helpful information for contractors.
Please note that solar and storage installations must be installed on real property in Oregon by an ODOE-approved contractor. Rebates are issued to approved contractors, who pass the savings on to customers. Contractors must submit a reservation application before starting construction or installation of a solar system or paired solar and storage system in order to be eligible for a rebate .

In the case of a paired solar and storage system, they must be purchased together by the same approved contractor. Stand-alone storage systems, or systems added to existing solar, are not eligible. Solar installations must also meet minimum Total Solar Resource Fraction measurements and other required technical criteria.

Please consult with your customers who are interested in battery storage to determine what will work best for them. A system must be installed with "islanding" capability (the ability to stand alone apart from the grid) to be able to provide power in the event of a power outage or grid failure. 

The systems must follow electric utility-specific rules and regulations, as well as other technical and programmatic requirements. You can review Solar + Storage Rebate Program Oregon Secretary of State Administrative Rules online. ​

 ​HB 2618​

​​​​​​​​Sign Up For Email Updates​

​ Program Flyer​ - English
​ Folleto del​ Programa​ - Español​

​ ​Contact Rebate Program Staff:


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