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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ HB 2021 created a $50 million fund at ODOE to provide grants for planning and developing community renewable energy and energy resilience projects​.
C-REP Round 2 Awardee Map
The Community Renewable Energy Grant Program is open to Oregon Tribes, public bodies, and consumer-owned utilities. Public bodies include counties, municipalities, and special government bodies such as ports and irrigation districts. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis and priority will be given to projects that support program equity goals, demonstrate community energy resilience, and include energy efficiency and demand response.               Click image to enlarge

At least half of the grant funds will be awarded for projects that serve environmental justice communities, including communities of color, lower-income communities, rural communities, and others. Similarly, at least half of the grant funds will be awarded to projects that support community energy resilience.

Grant Amounts

​Maximum Award
​Maximum Percent of Eligible Project Costs
​Planning a community renewable energy project
Planning a community energy resilience project​$100,000
​Constructing a community renewable energy project
​Constructing a community energy resilience project
​A minimum of $1 Million is reserved for planning projects that qualify as a community energy resilience project and a minimum of $1 Million is reserved for planning projects that do not qualify as a community energy resilience project.

Program Budget
Updated December 9, 2024​​

Grant Opportunity Announcements

No opportunities currently open​

ODOE has announced three rounds of grant awardees (round one and round two, and round three awardees). ODOE will make more funding available through opportunity announcements. Sign up to receive email updates for future rounds.

Eligible Projects

​Eligible projects include renewable energy generation systems like solar or wind, and energy storage systems, electric vehicle charging stations, or microgrid technologies paired with new or existing​ renewable energy systems. Eligible applicants are encouraged to partner with community groups, non-profits, pr​ivate businesses, and others on potential projects. Additional information about eligible projects is available in the opportunity announcements and in the Administrative R​ules.​

Advisory Committee

ODOE has appointed an advisory committee to support development and implementation of the grant program. Specific advisory committee responsibilities include:

  • Providing guidance on program rules
  • Establishing program equity metrics
  • Adopting a methodology to identify qualifying communities.
  • Supporting statewide community outreach efforts
  • Supporting application review processes
​Advisory committee meetings will be open to the public — learn more. ​

​​ HB 2021​

​​​​​​​​Sign Up For Email Updates​

opportunity announcement
No current opportunities.

Sub​mit them through the portal.

Applicant Help

Grantee Resources

Past Grant Rounds
​Round 3 (2024) | ​$18 Million
  • 23-076 (Planning a community energy resilience project​)
  • 23-077 (Planning a community renewable energy project)
  • 23-0​78 (​Constructing a community energy resilience project)​
  • 23-079​ (​Constructing a community renewable energy project)

Round 2 (2023) | $12 Million
Round 2 Opportunity Announcements:
 January 2023 Program Webinar and PowerPoint​

Round 1 (2022) | $12 Million
​ Q&A - ODOE Responses​
 May 2022 Program Webinar and PowerPoint​
​​​ ​Contact Us About the Program: