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Oregon State Flag An official website of the State of Oregon » Homepage


Attendance and
Chronic Absenteeism

Expanding systemic support and advocacy to address barriers to attendance.

Early Literacy
Success Initiative

Strengthening literacy instruction in classrooms, tribes and communities across Oregon.

Oregon Online
Report Card

A tool to help Oregonians better understand how well our education system serves students and families.

Reimagining Oregon's Accountability System

Supporting students and empowering educators by measuring what matters most.

Update On
Federal Actions

Helping Oregonians understand how decisions at the federal level impact education in Oregon.

Mental Health Resources for Families and Schools

Resources to promote and support mental health and well-being in our communities.

Accessibility Statement

The Oregon Department of Education is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities. If you are experiencing accessibility issues on our website or would like to be involved in our accessibility initiatives, please see our Collaborative Accessibility page for options and contacts.

Anti-Discrimination Policy

It is a policy of the State Board of Education and a priority of the Oregon Department of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment. For more information, visit the Anti-Discrimination Policy page.

Child Nutrition Programs are operated in accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies. For more information, visit the USDA Civil Rights Nondiscrimination Statement page.