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Oregon Health Authority

Birth Anomalies Surveillance System (BASS)

CMV Handout May 2024 FINAL Version.pdf

Governor Kotek has declared January 2024 Birth Anomalies Awareness Month. The Birth Anomaly Surveillance System would like to thank Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center for their collaboration on this project. Read the Governor's Proclamation here: Oregon Birth Anomalies Awareness Month Governor's Proclamation 2024
 Birth Anomalies Awareness Month.png

What is the BASS?

The BASS is a public health surveillance system. It tracks children from birth to age 6 who have at least one of 50 birth anomalies.

The system links existing information from Medicaid claims, hospital discharge data, birth and death certificate, and the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program.

The BASS connects affected children and their families with information, resources, and referrals through partnerships with Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (OCCYSHN), Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center, and Oregon 211Info.

Contact BASS Preventing Birth Anomalies

Why do we need the BASS?

Birth anomalies are common, costly, and critical.

About 45,500 babies are born in Oregon each year. Between 2009 and 2013, 2,657 children had at least one of the initial 12 birth anomalies that were tracked.

Birth anomalies are costly and impact both families and the health care system. Hospitalizations for birth anomalies cost more than $22.9 billion each year in the United States.

Why these 50 birth anomalies?

There are over 4,000 different types of birth anomalies. The BASS tracks 50 birth anomalies.

Learn more about these birth anomalies by visiting Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center's website.

What is Cytomegalovirus (CMV)? 

CMV (cytomegalovirus) infection during pregnancy is a leading cause of birth anomalies and developmental disabilities in children, including hearing loss, vision loss, and other health problems. CMV spreads easily and often has no symptoms.

CMV spreads through saliva (drool), mucus (snot), and urine (pee).

Pregnant people are more at risk of CMV because it is common among healthy young children and pregnant people are often exposed to CMV by caring for babies and young children. Pregnant people can pass CMV to their unborn baby if they are infected during pregnancy.

Learn more by downloading this fact sheet:  CMV Handout_May 2023 FINAL Version thumbnails_Page_2.png

Printed versions of English and Spanish CMV handouts are available upon request. Please send an email with your name, organization, and requested quantity to: or call 971-673-0252 (voice or text).

Glossary of birth anomaly terms 

See our glossary of birth anomaly terms in plain language.

BASS Glossary.pdf



The BASS program started collecting birth anomalies data in 2011. At that time, only 12 birth anomalies were tracked.

The BASS was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the first time in 2016. The BASS expanded the number of birth anomalies it tracked from 12 to 50.

Program Contacts