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Oregon Health Authority

Oregon PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System)

PRAMS and ECHO Surveys

The PRAMS and ECHO projects collect data on the health and wellbeing of new parents, infants, and families with three-year-olds. These projects provide vital information about pregnancy, early infancy, and the early preschool period. 

PRAMS: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
PRAMS is an ongoing project to collect data about people's experiences in the period of 1 year before conception through pregnancy to 3 months postpartum. The purpose is to find out more about healthy pregnancies and infants. Running for over 25 years, PRAMS is considered one of the best sources of data on maternal and infant health. 

This is a joint project of the Family and Child Health section, Oregon Public Health Division (OHA) and the Division of Reproductive Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Oregon PRAMS 2023-24 English (Phase 9)

Oregon PRAMS 2023-24 Spanish (Phase 9)

ECHO: Early Childhood Health in Oregon
This survey is distributed three years after PRAMS to people who completed the PRAMS survey. The focus is on three-year-olds and their families. Topics include child development, child care, and wellbeing. Information from ECHO can be combined with PRAMS data to learn more about the health of Oregon families.

ECHO is run solely by Family and Child Health, Oregon Public Health Division (OHA).

ECHO Survey English.pdf
ECHO Survey Spanish.pdf

Requesting Data

PRAMS and ECHO data have been used by: 

  • State and local public health agencies
  • Regional coalitions
  • Researchers and graduate students
  • Community-based organizations
  • Policy makers
We encourage people curious about using PRAMS or ECHO data to contact us first to talk about your project. For those with access to appropriate statistical software, we can provide analytic data files. Data sets include select information from birth certificates, including demographics. While we do not offer analytic services ourselves, we may be able to give you basic information in Excel format. 

Our most robust analytic data set is PRAMS Phase 8, which ran 2016-2021. This Phase also included additional questions added for one or two years. 
PRAMS 2016 - 2021 (CDC Phase 8) 
Additional questions: COVID Vaccine (2021-2); COVID-19 Experiences (2020-21); Maternal Disability (2019-21); Opioid Use (2019)
For more on obtaining data, please contact Caitlyn Howell, PRAMS Coordinator, at or 971-401-2560.


Oregon PRAMS 2023 Annual Data (Summer 2025)
Oregon PRAMS 2024 Annual Data (Spring 2026)
Oregon PRAMS 2021 Annual Data 
Oregon PRAMS 2020 Annual Data
Oregon PRAMS 2019 Annual Data
Oregon PRAMS 2018 Annual Data 
Oregon PRAMS 2017 Annual Data
Oregon PRAMS 2016 Annual Data

Dashboard: PRAMS data on 2020 COVID-19 experiences 
Parents who gave birth July-December 2020 were asked additional questions to measure the impact of the pandemic. Dashboards can be filtered by select demographic information.

Dashboard: PRAMS Data on Substance Use 2017-2019   

This dashboard contains information on alcohol, cigarette, e-cigarette, hookah, and marijuana use. Dashboards can be filtered by select demographic information. 

Fact sheets and Reports
CDC MMRW Vital Signs: Prescription Opioid Pain Reliever Use During Pregnancy
Oregon PRAMS Maternal Disabilities 2019-2020
All PRAMS Sites Electronic Vapor Product Use 2016-2018
Oregon PRAMS Postpartum Contraceptive Use 2016-2018
Oregon Safe Sleep 2017
Paid Parental Leave and Maternal and Child Health 2017

Contact Us

Questions about your survey?
Text 211 or call 1-800-723-3638
Email Oregon PRAMS

Interested in Oregon data? 
Contact Caitlyn Howell, Coordinator, at 971-401-2560
or email

Want to know more about PRAMS 
Visit the CDC PRAMS Website