Digital Accessibility at Oregon Health Authority
Digital accessibility is an approach to technology and content design that involves thinking specifically about the experiences and needs of people with disabilities. By designing for these needs, and by following the guidance and leadership of people with disabilities, we arrive at technology that works better for everyone.
Digital accessibility is also required by federal law and agency policy. Recent federal rules under the ADA and Section 504 require state and local governments, as well as recipients of federal healthcare money, to meet the technical standard of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Agency policy sets OHA’s conformance standard at
WCAG 2.2 (Levels A and AA).
This website is designed to guide leadership and employees in working together to provide accessible digital content. Not everyone needs to be an expert in digital accessibility. But all of us need to do our part to ensure we are meeting the access needs of all Oregonians. Sometimes even small process changes can have huge positive outcomes for people with disabilities around the state.