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Oregon Department of Human Services Search Site

Resources for Case Management Entities

General resources

Assessment tools

ONA (Oregon Needs Assessment)

ANA/CNA (Adult Needs Assessment and Child Needs Assessment for In-Home Supports)

SNAP (Support Needs Assessment Profile for Foster Care)

Supported Living Budget

Children's Extraordinary Needs Program

Case managers can use these tools to help children learn how to advocate for themse​lves when choosing and managing direct support professionals.

​​​Services coordinators can use this chart to help parents know what services they get through each waiver. Children can access services from the K Plan and one waiver at a time.

​​ODDS sent postal letters to families in May. The letters walked families through the launch of the CEN Program. These letters may be useful when you meet with families. Contact if you need other languages.

Letter to roughly 1,500 children who may be eligible

​Letter to 155 children selected

​Letter to children on waitlist

Parent provider trainings will take place in Summer 2024. Case management and provider agency staff are welcome to register. Dates and registration links can be found on the Children's Extraordinary Needs page.