The federal government requires people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to have a needs assessment to receive services.
In the past, we used several needs assessments and other tools to identify needs, risks and level of care. At the request of the Oregon Legislature, we created a single assessment tool to make moves between services easier.
This new tool is the Oregon Needs Assessment — or ONA.
Who conducts the ONA
Certified assessors conduct the ONA. They make sure every individual is assessed the same way. In the past, case managers conducted many assessments. Today, case managers conduct ONAs only when people’s support needs haven’t changed. Having someone who is not the case manager do assessments lets case managers focus on helping people develop their individual support plans (ISP).
Assessors and case managers work together to support individuals through the ONA process. Case managers can be there during the assessment. Individuals can also invite others to help answer questions during the assessment.
ONA Assessor Toolkit ONA Case Manager Toolkit
After the ONA is completed
The ONA is used to
determine a person's service group. Anyone can ask for a copy of their ONA. Assessors and case managers will provide this.
If you have questions or don't think the ONA results accurately reflect your needs:
- Talk to the case manager or assessor.
- File a complaint if you disagree or have concerns. Your case manager or assessor can help you fill out the complaint.
Follow these steps to file a complaint.