2025 Budget Presentations
Ways and Means Hearings and Public Testimony Opportunities are Coming Up for the Higher Education and Training Budget
One key role of the HECC is to present on the comprehensive funding needs for the postsecondary education and workforce system. These presentations are made to the Joint Ways & Means Education Subcommittee to inform the development of the final 2025-2027 Legislatively Approved Budget (LAB). In addition to presentations, there are opportunities for public testimony on the budget.
HECC Presentation Materials
The tentative schedule is below and all final dates will be posted on the Subcommittee web page here.
- HECC Presentations:
- March 31 - Introduction to Postsecondary Education and Training in Oregon
- April 1 - The Funding Landscape for the Consolidated Budget + HECC Agency Budget
- April 2 - Prioritizing Affordability
- April 3 - Featured Statewide Strategies
- April 7 - Oregon's Investment in Institutions: Impact on Oregonians
- April 8 - Oregon's Investment in Institutions: Funding Levels
- April 9 - Public Testimony (affordability or any topics in HECC budget)
- April 10 - Workforce Boards + Public Testimony (workforce or any topics in HECC budget)
- April 14 - Community Colleges (CC) presentations
- April 15 - Continued CC presentations + Public Testimony
- April 16 - Continued CC presentations + Public Testimony
- April 17 - Public University presentations
- April 21 - Continued Public University presentations (Statewide programs focus) + Public Testimony
- April 22 - Continued Public University presentations (Student support programs focus) + Public Testimony
- April 23 - OHSU presentation + HECC Conclusion + Public Testimony
Again, all dates are tentative and the legislative subcommittee web page will have final dates; this page is also where to sign up to testify. The Oregon Legislature has a web page about how to testify here.
Governor's Recommended Budget (GRB) 2025-2027
Governor Kotek released her recommended budget on December 2, 2024.
A short HECC fact sheet on the GRB investments for higher education and training is available below.
Agency Request Budget and Letter to the Governor 2025-2027
At its August 13 public meeting, the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) approved the postsecondary education and training Agency Request Budget (ARB) amounts for 2025-27. With this approval, the full ARB document was submitted to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) by August 30, an early step in a multi-phased state budget development process.
The HECC also submitted to the Governor's office a letter from Commission Chair Sandy Rowe about the ARB.
Budget recommendations in development were considered at
Commission public meetings.