Welcome to our page on coordination with Oregon’s nine federally recognized Tribes. The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) honors the sovereignty of Oregon’s Tribes and seeks to collaborate on all postsecondary initiatives that may have an impact on their communities. Our goal is to collaborate with tribal partners and state agencies to achieve mutual education goals and establish lasting relationships built on trust and mutual respect.
We do this by actively participating in the quarterly Government to Government Tribal Education Cluster meetings. Government to Government Tribal Education Cluster meetings are held in collaboration with the Governor’s Office and education agencies to accomplish the state’s educational goals. The Tribal Education Cluster allows us to identify potential areas of partnership, and build relationships while providing resources to assist both the Tribes and the state.
As a learning agency, we also participate in trainings and convenings focused on tribal history, sovereignty, and current need. In addition, we utilize and share resources offered by the Legislative Commission on Indian Services and the Oregon Department of Education Office of Indian Education.
Background on Government to Government Relations
Oregon was the first state in the nation to pass a state tribal government to government relations law in 2001. The law emphasized the critical importance of establishing and maintaining a variety of methods to understand each other’s government structures, policies, programs, initiatives, traditions, and history. The law, known as Senate Bill 770, also requires each state agency to create a tribal consultation process. A tribal consultation process allows both the tribal and state governments to make decisions and provide input on initiatives and policies that impact Oregon’s nine federally recognized Tribes.
Updates and Reports
The HECC provides quarterly reports to the Government to Government Tribal Education Cluster. We also publish an annual report on our work for the Legislative Commission on Indian Services. Recent reports are below.
2025 HECC Updates
2024 HECC Updates
2023 HECC Updates
2022 HECC Updates
2021 HECC Updates
Funding Opportunities for Tribal Partners
Apply for the Oregon Tribal Student Grant. Launched in 2022, this program provides funding for Oregon tribal students who are members of the nine federally recognized Tribes to offset the cost of attendance at eligible Oregon colleges and universities.
Oregon Tribal Student Grant
Explore grant and contracting opportunities.
HECC Grant and Contract Opportunities