High school and college educators across Oregon work together to offer accelerated learning courses for high school students. At the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), we work with educators at high schools, districts, community colleges, and universities to develop accelerating learning policy and to support these student opportunities. You can find the most recent standards and policies here.
Oregon’s public higher education institutions (17
community colleges and seven
public universities) offer many options for college credit in high school. Through these courses, students can earn college credit in high school and get a head start on a pathway to a college degree or certificate.
Browse the Statewide Directory of Accelerated Learning Programs High School Student Resources
Community College or University Partner Resources: Statewide Standards
The types of accelerated learning in Oregon and the related policies and standards are described below. By statute, the HECC is charged with developing statewide standards for dual credit, sponsored dual credit, and assessment-based learning credit. You can review the standards for these three types of accelerated learning in the combined policy document below.
State Standards for Partnerships in Oregon
The HECC authorities with respect to accelerated learning standards are defined in the following.
- Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 340.310 College Credit in High School
- Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 715-017-0005 High School Based College Credit Partnerships
Types of Accelerated Learning and Current Standards
Dual Credit: These courses are sufficiently similar to enable the student to be described as “taking a course” from the postsecondary institution. The high school teacher is qualified to act as a proxy faculty member for the college or university when they are teaching the course.
Dual Credit Standards
Sponsored Dual Credit: These courses are sufficiently similar to enable the student to be described as “taking a course” from the postsecondary institution. The high school teacher for these courses partners with a sponsoring faculty member at a college or university to offer the course.
Sponsored Dual Credit Standards
Assessment-Based Learning Credit: In Assessment Based Learning Credit, students do not enroll in a college course but are provided an opportunity to earn college credit by demonstrating they have achieved a course’s learning outcomes.
Assessment-based Learning Credit Program Standards
Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs: Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs are offered by high schools across the state. These programs give students the chance to tackle college-level work while still in high school and earn articulated college credit and/or placement. At the conclusion of the AP or IB course, students take exams, and exam results may qualify them for college credit. Each year, colleges and universities in Oregon update the Statewide AP and IB Course Credit Policy for these exams and courses. The HECC coordinates the process of updating the policy and publishes it.
Statewide Advanced Placement (AP) and (IB) Course Credit Policy, 2024-2025
Expanded Options programs: These programs are established by school districts to provide opportunities for students to take courses at eligible postsecondary institutions. In 2005, Senate Bill 300 created this program to provide eligible high school students with early entry into postsecondary education. We work with the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), which leads this work at the state level. See the ODE
Expanded Options Programs.
Community College and University Resources: Peer Review Process to Support Statewide Standards
The HECC works with an Oversight Committee for High School-Based College Credit Partnerships. This committee has a peer review process to support continued adherence to the standards. Details on the peer review process and calendar are available here.