Our work to serve Oregonians in higher education and workforce training is driven by policy and investment decisions made by the State of Oregon Legislature and Governor. Every two years, the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) informs these decisions by developing recommendations for the higher education and training system. We also present and report to the Legislature on funding and public policy proposals, and report on the impact of investments. Here you can learn about these public processes.
The HECC is responsible for advising the
Oregon Legislature and the Governor on higher education policy, and for developing budget recommendations for public postsecondary education and workforce training in Oregon. During each legislative session and continually, we work closely with many of
our partners on the legislative and budget development process.
Current Legislative Session and Budget Development Resources
Past Legislative and Budget Outcome Summaries
Legislative and Policy Reports - Current and Past
The Higher Education Coordinating Commission makes decisions on the agency's recommended budget at
public meetings. We welcome public comment.
Typical Budget Timeline
Budget development:
When: From January to August in the year prior to the legislative session for a budget-setting year.
What: The HECC considers analysis and presentations on key budget components and develops a recommended budget, over the course of numerous public meetings. Public comment is welcomed at all public meetings of the HECC.
Commission approval and submission of Agency Request Budget (ARB):
When: August in the year prior to the legislative session for a budget-setting year.
What: The Commission generally considers the ARB for approval in August for submission to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and the Governor on September 1.
Governor’s Recommended Budget (GRB):
When: Generally, in December prior to the legislative session for a budget-setting year.
What: The Oregon Governor announces the Governor’s Recommended Budget, which is a comprehensive balanced state budget, after considering input from all agencies. As an executive agency, the HECC will present this budget to the Legislature.
Budget presentations to Oregon Legislature:
When: During the legislative session for a budget-setting year.
What: The HECC presents with partners on the Governor’s postsecondary education budget request to the Oregon Legislature during the session. These presentations are generally made to the Education Subcommittee of the Joint Ways and Means Committee between February and June.
Legislatively Adopted Budget (LAB):
When: Generally, at the conclusion of the legislative session for a budget-setting year.
What: Ultimately, funding decisions are made by the end of the Session, when the Legislature establishes a Legislatively Adopted Budget for the upcoming budget cycle.
Funding distribution and implementation:
When: After the conclusion of a legislative session and continually.
What: After the biennial budget is approved, the HECC has significant responsibilities for funding distribution, administration, and implementation of programs funded over the course of the biennium, as well as responsibilities for recommending program modifications that improve program operations. See
About HECC Agency Offices and Programs to learn more.