| 21 Mar 2022 | ODOE Submits Final Rules for Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program | The Oregon Department of Energy submitted final rules to the Secretary of State on March 21, 2022, to establish a Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program. The permanent rules are effective as of March 21, 2022. This concludes the formal rulemaking process, which included a public hearing on January 5, 2022, and an extended public comment period which closed on February 18, 2022.
Materials: |  |  | 26 Jan 2022 | Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program Public Comment Period Reopened | The Oregon Department of Energy has revised the draft rules for the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program to incorporate public comment received before the public comment period closed on January 7, 2022. ODOE is reopening the public comment period for this rulemaking and encourages the public to review the revised draft rules and to share any feedback with department staff. Submitting written Comments on the revised draft rules: If you would like to submit written comments on the revised draft rules, please visit our Rulemaking Comment Portal. Alternatively, you can submit your comments by email or mail. The public comment period will close on February 18, 2022, at 5pm. Comments received after this date will not be considered in the rulemaking process.
Mailing address: Oregon Department of Energy Attention: Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Team 550 Capitol St. NE, 1st Floor Salem, OR 97301
|  |  | 05 Jan 2022 | Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program Public Hearing | Details:
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 | 4 - 5 p.m. ODOE will hold a virtual rulemaking hearing to accept oral testimony on the draft rules for the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program, created by HB 5006. Hearing Materials: Attendance Information: Webinar event: https://odoe.webex.com/odoe/j.php?MTID=mb8a476cf6d93e13d0a55f35ecb097b94 Event number (access code): 2340 437 0912 Event password: Energy (363749 from phones) Or Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll Access code: 234 043 70912
Submitting written Comments on the draft rules If you are unable to attend the hearing or would like to submit written comments on the draft rules, please visit our Rulemaking Comment Portal to answer some of our questions as well as submit your own thoughts. Alternatively, you can submit your comments by email or mail. The public comment period will close on January 7, 2022, at 5pm. Comments received after this date will not be considered in the rulemaking process. If possible, when submitting written comments by mail or email, please use the fillable PDF to record your comments and send them back to the address below. If that is not possible, we would still appreciate your comments. Email: Wildfire.Recovery@energy.oregon.gov Mailing address: Oregon Department of Energy Attention: Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Team 550 Capitol St. NE, 1st Floor Salem, OR 97301
Additional Information You can sign up to receive future email updates about the program and about the rulemaking. Learn more about the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive Program and the rulemaking process on ODOE's website. To jump to a specific section of the rules relating to the proposed incentives please use the links below. - The specific rule language detailing the incentives available to owners of detached one- and two-family dwellings or townhouses is available here.
- The specific rule language detailing the incentives available for commercial or public buildings is available here.
- The specific rule language detailing incentives available for manufactured homes is available here.
The final program rules are expected to be effective February 1, 2022, further information will be available once final rules have been adopted.
For more information, contact: Wildfire.Recovery@energy.oregon.gov
|  |  | 09 Nov 2021 | Wildfire Recovery Rulemaking Meeting | Meeting Details:Tuesday November 9, 2021 4-5 p.m.
This public meeting will be conducted virtually via Webex.
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)
Join by phone:+1-408-418-9388
Meeting Materials |  |  | 04 Nov 2021 | Wildfire Recovery Community Outreach- Southern Oregon | Meeting Details: Thursday November 4, 2021 4:30-5:30 p.m.
This public meeting will be conducted virtually via Webex.
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)
Join by phone:+1-408-418-9388
Meeting Materials
The Oregon Department of Energy is holding a series of virtual public meetings focusing on Lincoln, Marion, Lane, and Jackson County, as well as a final wrap-up meeting, to help inform development of the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive. This new program was created by the legislature to support the energy efficient rebuilding of structures that were lost during the 2020 Labor Day fires. Department staff will provide information about legislation creating the program, share staff research on how the program could be designed, and seek feedback on questions like: - How can the program be designed to best support wildfire survivors rebuilding in a way that saves energy and lowers their energy bills?
- How is energy efficiency being considered by wildfire victims as they seek to rebuild? Are residential and commercial structures being rebuilt to current building codes, or are people taking advantage of the ability to rebuild to the 2008 building code?
- Should the Department consider providing low-income wildfire victims a higher level of incentive to offer greater support for communities struggling to rebuild?
- If you are currently working towards rebuilding, would you consider building beyond current code to make your home more energy efficient and improve long term lower energy bills?
- How can the application process for a program like this be made convenient and accessible?
Oregon's Office of Emergency Management determined over 5,100 structures were destroyed and roughly 1.07 million acres burned in the twenty-one Labor Day 2020 fires. To support quick and affordable reconstruction, the Oregon legislature passed HB 2289, establishing guidelines and requirements for rebuilding properties affected by the 2020 wildfires. The Oregon Department of Energy is working with other agencies, utilities, local governments, community organizations, wildfire survivors, and the public to create an energy efficiency incentive program for wildfire survivors to rebuild structures lost in the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. Please sign up to receive email updates of the latest program information. |  |  | 02 Nov 2021 | Wildfire Recovery Community Outreach- Santiam Canyon | Meeting Details: Tuesday November 2, 2021 8:30-9:30 a.m. This public meeting will be conducted virtually via Webex.
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)
Join by phone:+1-408-418-9388
Meeting Materials:
The Oregon Department of Energy is holding a series of virtual public meetings focusing on Lincoln, Marion, Lane, and Jackson County, as well as a final wrap-up meeting, to help inform development of the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive. This new program was created by the legislature to support the energy efficient rebuilding of structures that were lost during the 2020 Labor Day fires. Department staff will provide information about legislation creating the program, share staff research on how the program could be designed, and seek feedback on questions like: - How can the program be designed to best support wildfire survivors rebuilding in a way that saves energy and lowers their energy bills?
- How is energy efficiency being considered by wildfire victims as they seek to rebuild? Are residential and commercial structures being rebuilt to current building codes, or are people taking advantage of the ability to rebuild to the 2008 building code?
- Should the Department consider providing low-income wildfire victims a higher level of incentive to offer greater support for communities struggling to rebuild?
- If you are currently working towards rebuilding, would you consider building beyond current code to make your home more energy efficient and improve long term lower energy bills?
- How can the application process for a program like this be made convenient and accessible?
Oregon's Office of Emergency Management determined over 5,100 structures were destroyed and roughly 1.07 million acres burned in the twenty-one Labor Day 2020 fires. To support quick and affordable reconstruction, the Oregon legislature passed HB 2289, establishing guidelines and requirements for rebuilding properties affected by the 2020 wildfires. The Oregon Department of Energy is working with other agencies, utilities, local governments, community organizations, wildfire survivors, and the public to create an energy efficiency incentive program for wildfire survivors to rebuild structures lost in the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. Please sign up to receive email updates of the latest program information. |  |  | 28 Oct 2021 | Wildfire Recovery Community Outreach - McKenzie Pass | Meeting Details: Thursday October 28, 2021 4-5 p.m. This public meeting will be conducted virtually via Webex.
Event password: Energy (363749 from phones)
Join by phone:+1-408-418-9388
Meeting Materials Background
The Oregon Department of Energy is holding a series of virtual public meetings focusing on Lincoln, Marion, Lane, and Jackson County, as well as a final wrap-up meeting, to help inform development of the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive. This new program was created by the legislature to support the energy efficient rebuilding of structures that were lost during the 2020 Labor Day fires. Department staff will provide information about legislation creating the program, share staff research on how the program could be designed, and seek feedback on questions like: - How can the program be designed to best support wildfire survivors rebuilding in a way that saves energy and lowers their energy bills?
- How is energy efficiency being considered by wildfire victims as they seek to rebuild? Are residential and commercial structures being rebuilt to current building codes, or are people taking advantage of the ability to rebuild to the 2008 building code?
- Should the Department consider providing low-income wildfire victims a higher level of incentive to offer greater support for communities struggling to rebuild?
- If you are currently working towards rebuilding, would you consider building beyond current code to make your home more energy efficient and improve long term lower energy bills?
- How can the application process for a program like this be made convenient and accessible?
Oregon's Office of Emergency Management determined over 5,100 structures were destroyed and roughly 1.07 million acres burned in the twenty-one Labor Day 2020 fires. To support quick and affordable reconstruction, the Oregon legislature passed HB 2289, establishing guidelines and requirements for rebuilding properties affected by the 2020 wildfires. The Oregon Department of Energy is working with other agencies, utilities, local governments, community organizations, wildfire survivors, and the public to create an energy efficiency incentive program for wildfire survivors to rebuild structures lost in the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. Please sign up to receive email updates of the latest program information. |  |  | 27 Oct 2021 | Wildfire Recovery Community Outreach- Oregon Coast | Meeting Details: Wednesday October 27, 2021 4-5 p.m.
This public meeting will be conducted virtually via Webex. Event password: Energy (363749 from phones) Join by phone:+1-408-418-9388
Meeting Materials Background
The Oregon Department of Energy is holding a series of virtual public meetings focusing on Lincoln, Marion, Lane, and Jackson County, as well as a final wrap-up meeting, to help inform development of the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive. This new program was created by the legislature to support the energy efficient rebuilding of structures that were lost during the 2020 Labor Day fires. Department staff will provide information about legislation creating the program, share staff research on how the program could be designed, and seek feedback on questions like: - How can the program be designed to best support wildfire survivors rebuilding in a way that saves energy and lowers their energy bills?
- How is energy efficiency being considered by wildfire victims as they seek to rebuild? Are residential and commercial structures being rebuilt to current building codes, or are people taking advantage of the ability to rebuild to the 2008 building code?
- Should the Department consider providing low-income wildfire victims a higher level of incentive to offer greater support for communities struggling to rebuild?
- If you are currently working towards rebuilding, would you consider building beyond current code to make your home more energy efficient and improve long term lower energy bills?
- How can the application process for a program like this be made convenient and accessible?
Oregon's Office of Emergency Management determined over 5,100 structures were destroyed and roughly 1.07 million acres burned in the twenty-one Labor Day 2020 fires. To support quick and affordable reconstruction, the Oregon legislature passed HB 2289, establishing guidelines and requirements for rebuilding properties affected by the 2020 wildfires. The Oregon Department of Energy is working with other agencies, utilities, local governments, community organizations, wildfire survivors, and the public to create an energy efficiency incentive program for wildfire survivors to rebuild structures lost in the 2020 Labor Day wildfires. Please sign up to receive email updates of the latest program information.
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